Hello yall!
As most of u know I've made a few "How to look like" - guides and this specific guide is the one where I am going to add all of my "How to look like" - guides! I'll add all of my guides over here so if u don't remember how to make that one specific look designed by me this is the thread for u!
With an added extra I'll also put up some description about how I figured out to make that specific guide and how did I figure out what items I should wear for it. And what I think about the guide in general myself.
Don't forget to propose some new ideas and suggestions about the guide itself for me as well because if the idea is catchy enough it might be possible that u will see ur idea some day fo' realz!
1. Unicorn Guide
This right here was the thing which set up my whole "How to Look Like" - guides. I was just randomly scrolling down my vanity list when I noticed that with the Cyber Helm the Carrot Nose looked like a horn. I wasn't like WHOAH in the first place but after a few totally randoms just told me "U look like a unicorn" I began to understand that it actually looked a bit like a unicorn. So I told in the guild chat like "Hey guys I found out how to look like a unicorn!!" and all of the members who were childish enough (lol!) to take a look at my newly born look complimented me about how creative it was. Then I just cracked a joke that "I'm going to post this to Forums!" and before I was even thinking what I was doing I found myself writing the Unicorn guide.
2. Pirate Guide
After I noticed the Unicorn look I began searching for other looks as well. It was kinda obvious that after I equipped the Pirate Hat vanity my next guide would be about Pirates. After I equipped the helm I began searching for a matching armor because the hooch was just such an obvious thing. No rum - no pirate. I scrolled down the whole dex equip armor CS list and noticed that fully black leather was the best option. Nothing that much really after that. Just imagination.
3. Hobo Guide
Afterwards I realized that I made this guide a bit too soon. I made the first 3 guides like in a week which was a bit too much. For the guide itself I noticed Arterra's reply: in my Pirate guide and I gave it a shot.
For the items I had to think a bit. This was my first look which I didn't notice but which I had to create. The armor was easy because what do hobos wear? The cheapest possible clothes they can possibly get. So nothing in PL. The Hooch was here again because every single time I have seen a hobo he has always had some alcohol with him. The head was a slight struggle. I found myself scrolling vanities again and noticed the Zombie Head. Why not?
4. Real G Guide
Wow. This was the so called "Jackpot" I guess. When I was creating this guide I was actually a bit afraid. I was afraid that this guide would make me look somewhat like a racist because of the "G language" due to my nationality and race. I still would like to state over here as well that this guide (like every single of my How to look - guide) was made with tongue-in-cheek attitude. Anyways I was surprised how well the community took it. The language was obviously a reason why it was loved but I think the items were a real success as well.
For the language I had a lil' helper as I've admitted. Try this if u want to talk like a G. Well it isn't that accurate so I had to use some words from my own knowledge which I've got after I've chatted with dozens of americans
The items were more thoughtful than they had been before. The Pappy Cap is an old remaining from my times at AO3. I wore it sometimes with my Void set (looks awesome check it out lol!) and it has been with me ever since and I've used it with Glyph's before my guide. So I had the base (Cap and Glyph Leather) so I was thinking of other things from my items list. I searched my stash for possible solutions and there were the Mime's Hand and the Raid Roach's Dagger. After those the rest is history I guess.
This guide is still under construction because I am still going to make some new guides.
~2.3.12 - Creation, added Unicorn, Pirate, Hobo and G.