After delivering the phial of innocent blood to Fel Taras, he is prepared to rise! Unfortunately, Yric'Rass, the Elder Vampire entrusted to protect our Dark Master in this most vulnerable period, has betrayed him! In so doing he has betrayed us all... and he must be stopped!
Travel to town and consult the acolyte Roujin. She will instruct you further.

The Ancient One must rise!
This event is scheduled to begin at 1:30pm Central on August 13th and run for two weeks, ending on August 27th (with a three day cooldown).
Collect points by defeating Ghouls (1 pt.), Toxic Ghouls (5 pts.), the Cyber Werewolf (50 pts.) and Yric'Rass (50 pts.) on the grounds of Fel Taras' family estate.
On August 27th, Roujin the Acolyte will provide rewards to Vampires that reach Bronze, Silver or Gold Tier and for the Top 10 Ranked players on the event leaderboard.
Bronze Tier (25k points)
+ The Blood Chains vanity set (cannot be traded)
+ 2,500,000 Gold
Silver Tier (50k points)
+ Choice of Blood Chains or Black Chains vanity set (cannot be traded)
+ 5,000,000 Gold
Gold Tier (100k points)
+ Blood Chains vanity set (cannot be traded)
+ Black Chains vanity set (cannot be traded)
+ "Defender of the Faith" title in
Sky Blue lettering
+ 10,000,000 Gold
Leaderboard Top 10
+ Trade-friendly Blood Chains vanity set!
+ Trade-friendly Black Chains vanity set!
+ "Master of Evil" title in
Gold lettering
+ 3,000,000 Gold
Purchase the
Gold Chains vanity set or the
Lavender Chains vanity set from Roujin during the event (character-bound for Blood Crystals, trade-friendly for Platinum).
Purchase the trade-friendly
"Blood of Fel Taras" Elixir Kit for Blood Crystals. When opened, this elixir multiplies your damage by 6X...
but only in the event zone!
Note: if you already have this elixir applied, opening this item has NO EFFECT!
Good luck!