I had an idea for every campaign (As seen here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...at-would-it-be). I feel like that more people should hear about it.

I would like an area at the beginning of each dungeon where you can sit and your elixir doesn't go down. I'd say this would be useful for those of us who can't find elixir parties and don't want to waste their plat waiting for others to join. To avoid exploiting, I'd suggest you would NOT be able to gain ANY xp while in this "safe zone" (Even if others start to play and you're still in the "safe zone"). Once you leave it, you elixir timer starts going down. I imagine it being a glowing area that is clearly marked so you know where the boundaries are (Like a room before the enemies are located).

I understand that this could hurt the income with elixir purchases, but I feel like it would do the opposite. I personally would be more inclined to purchasing more elixirs knowing that I can go to a dungeon, wait for more elixir players to join, and not have to worry about wasting my time waiting for them to join.


Bilaxman (Bienvenue)