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    Default Cinco, A solution for bringing back Black Dragon and Human Face

    Hello Cinco and everyone !

    Recently, I've seen there's a arguments between our lovely PL community, Whether we should get Black Dragon and Human Face back again or not. Here's my solution !

    Problems :

    1. Both Black Dragon set and Human Faces are old items which makes it hard to decide whether or not we should bring it back.

    2. Some players are doing BM for example Buying an Account with Human Faces.

    3. Some players want Black Dragon set and Human Faces to stay exclusive, Bringing them back will ruin it's value.

    4. New players want Black Dragon and Human Faces to be back once again, they believe they also deserve a chance to farm this items too.

    Solution :

    1. Make a "Mega Troll Arcane Stash"

    2. This Stash will drop on any PvE events.

    3. The chances of this stash to drop must be low let's say 1/100 drops.

    4. Set 25 Platinum to unlock this stash

    5. The loot table of this stash are :

    - Black Dragon Set, with 1/200 chances to drop
    - Human Face kits, with 1/200 chances to drop
    -Auto gold loot
    -Auto items loot
    -Etc ( It's up to Cinco )

    How this solution is solving the problem?

    1. For STS and Developers, STS will gain a lot of money for years from people who opening these boxes.

    2. BM of these items won't exist anymore, everything can be obtain with platinum.

    3. For those who want to keep these items exclusive, these items will always be exclusive because it's hard to get, people need platinum (A lot of Platinum) and the chances are so low.

    4. For new players, finally you guys have a chance to get these items, you can either buy them from someone with gold or opening these boxes.

    Cinco, What do you think?
    Last edited by Yogaa; 08-31-2020 at 04:40 AM.

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    This is a terrible idea.

    These items should never be re-released. BD shouldn't even be tradable IMO.

    We were told from the start that both BD and Humanian faces were never coming back. This should be the end of the discourse. It's really simple.

    Do you even have any idea just how difficult and time consuming it actually was to get either of these things during their respective caps?

    It's insulting to the people who earned them to even suggest bringing them back.

    As for the points you made:

    1) 1/100 or 1/200 is not a 'low' drop rate at all. For the only exclusive item in the game, it should be at least 1/100k, if not 1/1m. But really, it shouldn't come back ever again.

    2) STG won't be making money for 'years' off of these crates, as not a lot of the crates will drop - let alone stay unopened.

    3) The items are not exclusive if people can earn them years later for a fraction of the effort it took previously. Again, it's insulting to the people who spent hours earning them in the first place.

    4) New players shouldn't be able to get the rarest items in the game within a month of playing. Some items shouldn't even be possible to obtain more than once; like BD and Humania faces.

    5) BM will always exist. Not everyone has access to platinum, and even then, gold is infinitely more desirable with the way trading works in this game now. You can't stop BM in WoW, LoL, BDO, and etc... let alone in a decade old indie mmo.

    It's extremely bad business to re-release items that were said to be exclusive upon release.

    Some items should literally not be available to players who were not around when the items/faces were released. Some exclusivity needs to exist now that everything is tradable. New players do not deserve a chance to farm for either of these items because they weren't around when they were released. It's simple, honestly. It's not being elitist, either: Brand Loyalty and sense of accomplishment is an important thing in any MMO.

    Rereleasing either of these items is a slap in the face to all of the remaining veteran players. And I can guarantee that a large portion of the remaining community will be very angry, if not quit if these items are rereleased.

    It's not our problem that you guys weren't around when these items were released. And complaining about it doesn't mean they should be re-released either.
    Last edited by Dexteritys; 08-31-2020 at 05:29 AM.
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    I don't think this is a good solution maybe just make a new looks of items/vanities and add new vanity drops from the other dungeons just like starry at slayer and vanity weaps at mad mage or make just make a new map. Also add new crates wherein you can get plats even like 1-25 only since it requires 5plats to open and lots of ppl waste their plats and received tons of gold stash and other elite items that's not worth that much anymore.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yogaa View Post
    Hello Cinco and everyone !

    Recently, I've seen there's a arguments between our lovely PL community, Whether we should get Black Dragon and Human Face back again or not. Here's my solution !

    Problems :

    1. Both Black Dragon set and Human Faces are old items which makes it hard to decide whether or not we should bring it back.

    2. Some players are doing BM for example Buying an Account with Human Faces.

    3. Some players want Black Dragon set and Human Faces to stay exclusive, Bringing them back will ruin it's value.

    4. New players want Black Dragon and Human Faces to be back once again, they believe they also deserve a chance to farm this items too.

    Solution :

    1. Make a "Mega Troll Arcane Stash"

    2. This Stash will drop on any PvE events.

    3. The chances of this stash to drop must be low let's say 1/100 drops.

    4. Set 25 Platinum to unlock this stash

    5. The loot table of this stash are :

    - Black Dragon Set, with 1/200 chances to drop
    - Human Face kits, with 1/200 chances to drop
    -Auto gold loot
    -Auto items loot
    -Etc ( It's up to Cinco )

    How this solution is solving the problem?

    1. For STS and Developers, STS will gain a lot of money for years from people who opening these boxes.

    2. BM of these items won't exist anymore, everything can be obtain with platinum.

    3. For those who want to keep these items exclusive, these items will always be exclusive because it's hard to get, people need platinum (A lot of Platinum) and the chances are so low.

    4. For new players, finally you guys have a chance to get these items, you can either buy them from someone with gold or opening these boxes.

    Cinco, What do you think?
    Ppl been blackmarketing those alot.. It makes me sick.. Theres no much bd sets in game and theres alot of gold coming in game.. Just imagine if one or two players own every bd set... They're gonna be like.. Selling bd set 10B...

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    Your “solution” doesn’t help both sides, only ppl who want the old items.

    I quit the game when all items became tradable and I came back to the game when I read he wasn’t gonna bring those back.
    New faces that are hard to get would be cool. Also when many have old items, no one would want them. They’re popular for the reason of being exclusive.
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    I'll give a good example to close this down right here and now. Before we had the ability to 1 shot the Elite Red Dragon starries costed roughly 10-25m. Not many had a starry because it was a 1% drop rate item, if not lower. As the caps became higher than the reroll/luck became more we started seeing starries dropping in bulk. Now they are only 800-1mil.

    It doesn't matter how many Crates it'll take. BD will resurge in mass numbers. When that happens, and it will, BD will be looked at as a item nobody is going to want to use any longer. Take a look at WL set, Cop set, Engineer, Undead, Deep, Pumkin head, ect. Each of these items has 1 thing in common, players kept begging and demanding for it to return and become tradable. Now that it happened we see where it got us. Nobody wears or cares about these gears. I tried selling engineer but nobody wanted it because it was a "bad vanity". Some 5-6 years ago Engineer was looked at as one of the best vanities in game. Just leave no ideas on this.

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    Terrible idea

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    We should have a dislike option on forums

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    Ask yourself this: Is this solution something every member of this community would want?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SillyJuan View Post
    Ask yourself this: Is this solution something every member of this community would want?
    Obviously not if you read comments lol

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    Default Cinco, A solution for bringing back Black Dragon and Human Face

    Yeah but mega box is already fine as they are. Easy to farm but take a while cheap to open with plats and don’t drop shirts often I open 20. Only thing that would make box mythical box better is if only level 110 receive them. Lower levels get to get good xp and the box. Maybe can Give them pink box.
    25 plats each is easily a money pit on a box that has mythical drop rates. Now if it was like dark hollow chest thats a different story cause we would only have to ope 5 to get all the food items

    And as far as your drop table I like it. It would be perfect for me just as posted without the etc.. cause I’m tired of exlir speeds. I just can’t seem to find a use for them

    And I heared same rumor of game black market were people sell account that has something unique like 2-3 letter name or discontinued items or faces. This would put a dent in cheaters!! Great post I like it
    I want the items to be farm way they use to be to keep trend but buying with token and plat works better for me cause it’ll produce much more of them items in the game.
    And if we can have our gold farming event rune by cheaters that owns that stuff why can’t it be reverse cause we all know there buying the more expensive items in game.
    Buy making these items and elite 71 event items come back helps even the playing field for everyone.
    And the only ones that wouldn’t want this is the handful of people that have them. I want these item
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    Last edited by Hjable; 09-01-2020 at 12:23 PM.

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    Default Cinco, A solution for bringing back Black Dragon and Human Face

    We should be able to obtain items not cause of the gold value but because we like them bring all discontinued back on there respective event

    If there from fast cap reward or leader board just toss them in with another event like blue angel. I feel that blue angel was a one sided event but still they worked for that reward and can barter price still so if blue angel is available for everyone so should black dragon and pa

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    Last edited by Hjable; 09-01-2020 at 01:37 PM.

  21. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    We should be able to obtain items not cause of the gold value but because we like them bring all discontinued back on there respective event

    If there from fast cap reward or leader board just toss them in with another event like blue angel. I feel that blue angel was a one sided event but still they worked for that reward and can barter price still so if blue angel is available for everyone so should black dragon and pa

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    Stop trying to get cap rewards like the BD set, egg, wg set, human faces, etc. those items should never come back nor be allowed to be traded.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NukeDragon View Post
    Obviously not if you read comments lol
    Don’t take the game to serious either man, just trying to make these new players reason and understand. As a previous holder of the humanian face, I still don’t want it back because it would be unfair and I know how hard the grind was firsthand. But explanation and getting these individuals to understand the “why” would probably be more beneficial than your grumpy gramps attitude. Good luck mr.oldgen

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    Quote Originally Posted by SillyJuan View Post
    Don’t take the game to serious either man, just trying to make these new players reason and understand. As a previous holder of the humanian face, I still don’t want it back because it would be unfair and I know how hard the grind was firsthand. But explanation and getting these individuals to understand the “why” would probably be more beneficial than your grumpy gramps attitude. Good luck mr.oldgen

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    We should be able to obtain items not cause of the gold value but because we like them bring all discontinued back on there respective event

    If there from fast cap reward or leader board just toss them in with another event like blue angel. I feel that blue angel was a one sided event but still they worked for that reward and can barter price still so if blue angel is available for everyone so should black dragon and pa

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    I do not have those bd and human faces but did you know the value of those things to the players who originally owned them?

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    Thank you everyone for your thoughts about my solution, I really appreciate it.

    I do understand you guys who are against my opinion. I do understand that bringing back BD set and Human Faces will hurt for those who own them.

    Some of you guys are talking about how hard was getting BD set and Human faces back then, and it means a lot for those who still own it till today.

    I just want you guys to know, that:

    1. This is 10 years old game, Many old players left and New one comes to the game. BD set and Human Faces were available years ago. How many of them left in the game? Not much. Does it give any benefit to STS ? Not at all. Why? Because new players who want them would spend their money on BM to get it.

    STS, stop blocking your costumers from getting what they want.

    2. STS is running a business. They need money from this game, we have to understand that with the solution I posted above could improve the game itself ! Imagine how many people who doesn't own BD set or Human Faces ( I assume 98% of PL population) would buy a lot of platinum to get it !

    3. Their Exclusiveness could lead to BM. Well as you guys know, keeping things too exclusive isn't good either. Some players could potentially BM those things because of it's "exclusiveness" and gain IRL money that was supposed to be STS income.

    OK guys,

    We are enjoying the game and we support it by buying Platinum.
    For those who still own BD set and Human Faces, you guys are awesome for playing this game till today, I hope you guys understand that STS need an income from this game. And I believe a true PL lovers will support anything to make PL great again !

    We have to care about STS too, remember they made this beautiful game.
    Last edited by Yogaa; 09-02-2020 at 06:19 AM.

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    You know PL situation better than anyone else, hopefully my suggestion on bringing back BD set and Human Faces with making "Mega Troll Arcane Stash" like I said above, could be implemented soon or in the future when you think It should be back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yogaa View Post

    You know PL situation better than anyone else, hopefully my suggestion on bringing back BD set and Human Faces with making "Mega Troll Arcane Stash" like I said above, could be implemented soon or in the future when you think It should be back.
    Game is already dying.. Alot of old players who owned bd sets and human faces quitted this game long time ago or they got banned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yogaa View Post

    You know PL situation better than anyone else, hopefully my suggestion on bringing back BD set and Human Faces with making "Mega Troll Arcane Stash" like I said above, could be implemented soon or in the future when you think It should be back.
    Bringing back humanian faces is a very big deal bc if this thing happen we all don't know what og players with human faces feels. Let's say it cost 15plats only before and no matter how much it cost if these faces brings back lot of ppl will use it and the original owners will be disappointed since it can be only obtain for a limited time and not everyone bought these faces before.

    Yes, we know pl is dying I think since l85 til now it's still alive bc of the events, new items and new caps. The game is already ruined by the pet that gives an op stats. Since we're already talking about the community I'mma give my own solution opinion here.

    1. I suggest nerfing some op pets or works only on a selected dungeons like for example deca can will only works at mad mage and ebonthrax, dev will work only at oktal. Doing this will save the difficulty of the old dungeons to bring back the fun and teamwork at low levels.

    2. Weekly/Monthly eventis highly recommended since the events is one of the best thing why PL is still alive.

    3. New looking vanity/items. Here, I think this is one of best way to keep the community alive. Old players is coming back playing the game every time they heard about new events and new items and most of them are having fun and literally back playing until now. We don't really to beed bring back those items all we need is new dope items because one of main point here is saving the rarity of those requested items/faces.

    4. For future new cap. Xp kits shouldn't work to have a fair gameplay on capping for a week to get a limited title/items.

    5. Items on new cap shouldn't have procs or if have it should be work at pve only to have a better or balance pvp

    These are my suggestions I'm just hoping that the rare items should remain as rare.
    Last edited by Islamiyah24; 09-02-2020 at 07:25 AM.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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