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  1. #81
    Forum Adept Vapourised's Avatar
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    Also u guys need not worry. Cinco can clearly see those doofuses being outvoted.
    I’m pretty sure he would do a poll and in which case the people who don’t want the stuff back should be fine.
    But to the people who do, I would suggest searching up the term ‘discontinued’. It means not continued. Aka never coming back. Hope that clears up the confusion
    Also BM is so easy to stop. Just make bunch of game killing updates until there’s a 0 player base. Then boom! No more BM. Hjable, cryboi and others can finally be satisfied.

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    Oh and btw I don’t own BD. I’m not a fan of undeserving people getting stuff others worked hard for. That goes for real life too.
    I also find it strange how none of these guys have responded to the counter argument of how hard BD and faces were to obtain (skim read replies tbf).
    ‘Equal playing field’ is invalid. Discrimination between hard workers and slackers exists everywhere in life and most games. I say no to communism in PL!

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miridor View Post
    Why if it's your dream you're not ok to have it back? That means you can finally reach your dream. Or is it only your dream cause it's expensive?? I don't get it
    Oh here we go again. Do we still need to explain why? Or you just need to back read everything that has been written in the replies in the previous pages. That question has been already answered if you're reading other comments. Zzzzzz

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    One of the reason I want it back because I’ll look cool with pa hat, human face, black dragon armor and pet, 71 elite staff or boat no no that elite 71 bow. If We’re willing to farm it or buy with plats there shouldn’t be any probs after all isn’t that what plats are for to buy items we like?a person shouldnt have to go to bm to get the item they wanna spend there cash on. (Maybe they can be black dragon event along with another event for Those that already have it or don’t like them items can do another event that way everyone is happy.

    Regardless what said I believe yes some people farm the items or gold to buy the items fairly. I also have a unproven feeling in my gut that bmers are going to continue using them honest players to hide behind so not to mess up there profits. and the ones that successfully Bought these items/account for cash would do all they can to keep these items from returning. Even putting someone nice down for not agreeing with there thoughts.

    As I see it allowing us the option to buy the discontinued items in game so the profits of go to sts (might upset some of the current owners of these items) and would make a lot of players that don’t own these items very happy is a hard choice to make including continue banding the players that are going to continue buying discontinued items/gold/char on bm just because they really want these items. Bm been around along time and prob only new to me.but I read some people been band for it in the past which sucks cause if the items was in the game maybe they wouldn’t have done that but at the same time rules are rules.

    . So I’m guessing the items want come back. But if they did please let it be without notice and swift !! I love a great surprise

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    Then just ask everything that's rare in the game. Ask og mantle, community shield etc. Let's turn all rare/discontinued items on to a cheap one. I'm going to clarify the risk that we're pointing. Bringing back those makes lots of ppl who played since 2010-2012 has a chance of quitting the game while I don't agree on bm too but if two or more ppl got caught doing bm sts will lost few players only for getting banned and the rarity of the items will be saved. You also mentioned that you want it bc it looks cool as what I've said why just go farm we're grinding too much just to get gold we also think about what og owners of bd feels if those things get back bc you guys just want it and don't care about the og owners.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vapourised View Post
    Also u guys need not worry. Cinco can clearly see those doofuses being outvoted.
    I’m pretty sure he would do a poll and in which case the people who don’t want the stuff back should be fine.
    But to the people who do, I would suggest searching up the term ‘discontinued’. It means not continued. Aka never coming back. Hope that clears up the confusion
    Also BM is so easy to stop. Just make bunch of game killing updates until there’s a 0 player base. Then boom! No more BM. Hjable, cryboi and others can finally be satisfied.
    This is what I wanted to say on previous page which is making an weekly/monthly events and new looking items maybe now they've get it bc it's already clarified here.

    Zyx - Lilthrax - `re***`
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Thanks for sharing that post sad to hear black dragon isn’t going to be added to this event. But very happy to read that black dragon has been noted!!!!!!!!!!

    Black dragon here we come

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    “Feedback” being noted does not mean the BD set is coming back. He recognized that “you and a couple others” have asked for the set back. And here is another question: why would anyone want such a not so good looking set in the first place? Only reason anyone would care for it is to say that they have an OG set.

    Also seeing you on what looks like a BM site would only incriminate yourself for going to those sites. Personally had no clue sites like it existed. I would suggest not going to those sites.

    Even though you keep asking for this, I highly doubt that any of this will be added.

    My suggestion is to cinco to make an announcement to everyone, and closing this toxic thread.

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    what this is actually very terrible idea, yall really are keep on still watch game so much more to fix and no.

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  12. #88
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    Cinco should close this thread. Begging isn't viewed highly!

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    terrible thread with terrible ideas. no thanks!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vapourised View Post
    Oh and btw I don’t own BD. I’m not a fan of undeserving people getting stuff others worked hard for. That goes for real life too.
    I also find it strange how none of these guys have responded to the counter argument of how hard BD and faces were to obtain (skim read replies tbf).
    ‘Equal playing field’ is invalid. Discrimination between hard workers and slackers exists everywhere in life and most games. I say no to communism in PL!
    Yes maybe that event was hard to farm maybe it wasnt for a handful of players. angel first event was hard to win ( I didn’t win but tried) and so was black star event. Just cause it hard for some people doesn’t mean it was hard for everyone. Gaulet is hard for me to win also. maybe black dragon event shouldn’t be hard to grind out like the first time. Maybe it was so much grinding that people got board and just gave it up. I don’t know about you but I prefer to play events that are fun. As far as spending plats for some people it’s a lot of boring work grind just to get the cash to buy items for some people, so maybe 300 plats would be better?

    I do wanna point out that it’s okay to have different views on the matter. All feed back can potentially be useful. If someone owns black dragon set I would like to hear what you have to say on the matter

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    Quote Originally Posted by Islamiyah24 View Post
    Oh here we go again. Do we still need to explain why? Or you just need to back read everything that has been written in the replies in the previous pages. That question has been already answered if you're reading other comments. Zzzzzz
    Look at all these new voice that want to have black dragon back. I don’t see any reason not to return it to the game

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  18. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Yes maybe that event was hard to farm maybe it wasnt for a handful of players. angel first event was hard to win ( I didn’t win but tried) and so was black star event. Just cause it hard for some people doesn’t mean it was hard for everyone. Gaulet is hard for me to win also. maybe black dragon event shouldn’t be hard to grind out like the first time. Maybe it was so much grinding that people got board and just gave it up. I don’t know about you but I prefer to play events that are fun. As far as spending plats for some people it’s a lot of boring work grind just to get the cash to buy items for some people, so maybe 300 plats would be better?

    I do wanna point out that it’s okay to have different views on the matter. All feed back can potentially be useful. If someone owns black dragon set I would like to hear what you have to say on the matter

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    I think the issue is that people automatically assume that a player who owns a item or name that is either expensive or sounds cool must be BMing. That's terrible generalizing. Yesterday there was a black dragon helm in cs for just 300m. I know countless players who made 300m during last weeks event. BD armor is only 900m. You're telling me that you can't just play the game and save your gold to obtain the last piece of gear? The first couple gold farms this game had was paying out 300m alone, this was also before gold equips came into the game.

    There are more black dragon sets than exclusive Pink items such as toymans. 15, 25, and 35 alike. Why aren't you so keen on trying to bring them back since they ACTUALLY have a function? Toys were OP in PvP. Yet black dragon does nothing, especially now that there is a abundance of 3pc rings. You only want BD because of it's rarity, that's not a opinion it's a fact. The minute everyone has bd plus extra you're just going to go to the next exclusively rare item, like bold glory, and complain about that.
    Last edited by MageFFA; 09-03-2020 at 12:32 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NukeDragon View Post
    “Feedback” being noted does not mean the BD set is coming back. He recognized that “you and a couple others” have asked for the set back. And here is another question: why would anyone want such a not so good looking set in the first place? Only reason anyone would care for it is to say that they have an OG set.

    Also seeing you on what looks like a BM site would only incriminate yourself for going to those sites. Personally had no clue sites like it existed. I would suggest not going to those sites.

    Even though you keep asking for this, I highly doubt that any of this will be added.

    My suggestion is to cinco to make an announcement to everyone, and closing this toxic thread.
    Black dragon!! Cinco said it has been noted that mean he took note and thinking about it prob... that means our voice has been heard. I also want black set so I can make a super superior black ring for all my alts my friends can to so we can have balance pvp match while wearing black dragon armor. white pa and 71 elite bow. I even made storage space for these possible new items on my alt that has mitas dragon. Wait a minute guys we forgot about that 56 helm and mount fang armor and that shield, we’ll be needing them back as well to make the ring in style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Black dragon!! Cinco said it has been noted that mean he took note and thinking about it prob... that means our voice has been heard. I also want black set so I can make a super superior black ring for all my alts my friends can to so we can have balance pvp match while wearing black dragon armor. white pa and 71 elite bow. I even made storage space for these possible new items on my alt that has mitas dragon. Wait a minute guys we forgot about that 56 helm and mount fang armor and that shield, we’ll be needing them back as well to make the ring in style.

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    Y'all have to stop asking for Black dragon or cap items to be back.

    Go farming !

    Try to farm on events, you can make a lot of money through events like Gold Farming Map or selling things that you drop on events, trust me it's not that hard.

    Also, instead of asking old items to be back. It would be better if you guys suggesting a new vanity or faces.

    Bringing old items / discontinued items to be back again will only make people quitting the game.

  21. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Black dragon!! Cinco said it has been noted that mean he took note and thinking about it prob... that means our voice has been heard. I also want black set so I can make a super superior black ring for all my alts my friends can to so we can have balance pvp match while wearing black dragon armor. white pa and 71 elite bow. I even made storage space for these possible new items on my alt that has mitas dragon. Wait a minute guys we forgot about that 56 helm and mount fang armor and that shield, we’ll be needing them back as well to make the ring in style.

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    Black Dragon ring is not superior compared to any of the other major Dragon rings. This is how i know you're being overdramatic. I owned a Black ring in 2013 on my 71 bird. I competed fairly against every other Dragon ringed bird in PvP because 1 dodge doesn't equal a unfair advantage. Red Dragon ring is no different than Black. Try again!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    I think the issue is that people automatically assume that a player who owns a item or name that is either expensive or sounds cool must be BMing. That's terrible generalizing. Yesterday there was a black dragon helm in cs for just 300m. I know countless players who made 300m during last weeks event. BD armor is only 900m. You're telling me that you can't just play the game and save your gold to obtain the last piece of gear? The first couple gold farms this game had was paying out 300m alone, this was also before gold equips came into the game.

    There are more black dragon sets than exclusive Pink items such as toymans. 15, 25, and 35 alike. Why aren't you so keen on trying to bring them back since they ACTUALLY have a function? Toys were OP in PvP. Yet black dragon does nothing, especially now that there is a abundance of 3pc rings. You only want BD because of it's rarity,that's not a opinion it'sa fact. The minute everyone has bd plus extra you're just going to go to the next exclusively rare item, like bold glory, and complain about that.
    Why should any one have to pay 900m for something other got free!! I can’t afford to buy
    Enough gold to afford that. I would have to be super rich to buy 900m for it prob come out to the same price of owning a super car. 700 plats would only buy me 500k gold. and 800 plats is like 49.99$. Like really I would have to save for 300 years to afford these marked up black dragon price. Not everyone had the time or patient to farm 30hrs last event and even if they did it’s still not enough for that set. Or maybe farming non stop just isn’t fun for ever one(and no one should have to pay 900m! For a items because of farm bots and bmers that horde all these items. I doing the best I can to explain it to you so you can under stand were we are coming from.

    So maybe you agree with us now?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Why should any one have to pay 900m for something other got free!! I can’t afford to buy
    Enough gold to afford that. I would have to be super rich to buy 900m for it prob come out to the same price of owning a super car. 700 plats would only buy me 500k gold. and 800 plats is like 49.99$. Like really I would have to save for 300 years to afford these marked up black dragon price. Not everyone had the time or patient to farm 30hrs last event and even if they did it’s still not enough for that set. Or maybe farming non stop just isn’t fun for ever one(and no one should have to pay 900m! For a items because of farm bots and bmers that horde all these items. I doing the best I can to explain it to you so you can under stand were we are coming from.

    So maybe you agree with us now?
    We got it free because we farmed for it. Even then most who own it now has to pay gold. You've not done either and now you're complaining on forum. No handouts here no sir. If you're not a developed player, meaning anyone who didnt just start this game in the last 2 years then you won't be able to buy damn near anything, let alone BD. You wouldnt even be able to buy a L 40 amulet with elites so what makes you think you're going to buy the most expensive event item in game?

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    Default Cinco, A solution for bringing back Black Dragon and Human Face

    Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
    Black Dragon ring is not superior compared to any of the other major Dragon rings. This is how i know you're being overdramatic. I owned a Black ring in 2013 on my 71 bird. I competed fairly against every other Dragon ringed bird in PvP because 1 dodge doesn't equal a unfair advantage. Red Dragon ring is no different than Black. Try again!
    Yes black dragon ring is Far more superior. Ever stat makes a different. And black dragon ring has more stats. Some class use mana shield maybe that one extra mana regain, hit regain, crit etc can decide the fate of a fight. If when I get black dragon set I will create a black ring you’ll more then welcome to join us in pvp

    If stats don’t matter why is it such a big deal if someone has enchants or not in 110 pvp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Yes black dragon ring is Far more superior. Ever stat makes a different. And black dragon ring has more stats. Some class use mana shield maybe that one extra mana regain, hit regain, crit etc can decide the fate of a fight. If when I get black dragon set I will create a black ring you’ll more then welcome to join us in pvp

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    Being overdramatic again. I played 71. You're bullcrapping. Every stat matter? Does this look like 15 to you? Players used molten for a living in 71 and still managed to demolish good players. Look up Trees video on 71. I've beat some of the best 71 birds with molten and plat ring. Please tey harder!

  26. #100
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    Name:  Screenshot_20200903-130405_Pocket Legends.jpg
Views: 489
Size:  401.6 KB Oh no! He has 2 HP, 1 H/s, and 1 M/s advantage over me!! I can't win dispite at 71 we already have 30-40 HP and Mana regen alone!

    Nice argument.

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