Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
Problem )On black market sites people can buy gold for like .45 cent u.s money. In game it cost like 40 bucks just to buy 250k gold

Possible answer to this problem is by adding a new black market vendor that sells gold about .5-.10 cent u.s for 1 million. Also this vendor sell discontinued items for plat or equivalent for plat and non tradable for equal gold (the gold value would be equal to the price it cost to buy gold in game with plat.!1 plat equal x amount of gold.

And add back items that cost a lot of gold like that time when when we use to be able to buy items with gold.. after event like weapons and stuff.

Balancing bots with honest and good players. I rather have pocket legend profit on the gold instead of cheaters and bots
So poof I guess what people wanna see and how this can balance the game for honest player check out the pic below

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