Quote Originally Posted by Madxnoob View Post
As a Season 1 player, most of you know me as Secretservice. I say bring back heraldic in vanity form and everything. Done got me heated bringing back tsunami blades, captain staff, depraved, ect. Slowly my collection goes to hell. So give me something I don't have and lets kill collecting all together.
I'm afraid that I don't agree with your view. A few people (including me) have in their hands some pretty old and exclusive sets (Heraldic sets of flurry sets and more). I also know some people that own tsunami blades and dark watch swords. Sts might considered bringing these old items back as a vanity version because of the fact that they were good looking weapons. They were like 3 weapons that came back, why shall we sacrifice every single exclusive set that it was from cheap bundles and congratulations for the people that hoarded sets like those for years. I'm definitely sure that if an old set comes back and it's pretty cheap nobody will prefer using it (green arlor for example). I'm totally vertical to this statement.

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