Quote Originally Posted by Armani Boi View Post
Hi Royce,

I'm not ashamed thats why I'm replying you. Im not the one who should be ashamed but instsead this BIIOGRAPHY /BRINGURPANTS ign's because he was kicked out and banned in our Guild he resort to this kind action. He is ungrateful considering that our Guild/Myself help him when is has nothing until he able to stand to his own feet.

Dont just any how butt-in for the sake of just commenting if you dont know me at all.

Hot news everyone I've asked Biiography's side and he told me why he became an outcast on the guild because he face their guild master on pvp so the story goes like this they played pvp rank and Bio was against it's Guild Master and of course his master beg on him to lose the battle so he could win and climb more points at the board he would pay him if he throw the game but Biiography refused no amount of gold can buy his pride and honor. So this salted Master of him outcasted him of the guild and said some hateful stuffs at him poor Biio I'm sure he worked hard for it to climb on Pvp Rank he can't just throw the game in exchange for gold Lmao. ahhahaa