Also no I’m not against anything new you must not read I don’t care for the old items this is the truth I have one thing in mind upping my gold loot if it has no gold loot to it I don’t want it no use to me but I am against people crying to Cinco about re releasing old items now read this I say bring back the old items but only to be bought with Platinum no more bound on the old items I am more concerned with STS making money to improve the game then you all making gold this is my very own personal opinion on this cuz you can go farm gold but this game makes money off of people buying Platinum how can we improve let’s say the graphics is no irl money is made to put the work into it to improve that look again my opinion stop crying about being the old instead agree on this if old it brought back little by little then make it to where you can only buy them with Platinum and not tokens at this point none of you are making sense crying about oh I’m lose gold in the game I’m quite if Cinco brings back the old items sounds like just like every day life you all think about yourselves and not what’s really important to me this game is important it’s all I play from time I wake to sleep and sometimes I stay on when I’m asleep due to if my guild members have a question I can get back to them my guild members know this I want post no 1 line conversation I’ll post my points across and stand on them with all ten toes planted in the ground again if old is brought back then so be it I’m still play but unlike you all I want give upon Pocket Legends I don’t give 2 you know what’s about Arcane, Star, or Dark Legends played them don’t like them some Pocket Legends is the closest thing to W.O.W. I’ve ever played ya no free running maps from town to town like W.O.W. but hey close enough to me but I’ll say again Cinco bring back the old make it to be only be bought with Platinum simple and my trend says why just like I’ve stated here I’d rather STS make money and place back into the game Pocket Legends then have you all hoard it and boast about I got billions in gold tbh I don’t care how much gold you got cuz to me you are obviously scared to spend it roflmbo so like I told my kids when I had to leave from visiting them stop the crying dry your eyes and take the lose cuz in life you don’t always win a lose makes you a better person anyways not mad just my opinion as a true og gen to you all semi gen and new gen good day 🤭🤭🤭🤫🤫🤫🤔🤔🤔😏😏😏