Quote Originally Posted by Vapourised View Post
I think we can all agree that there are some players who we boot but then they can come back when the next game changes host. We already have a booting feature to exclude players we do not wish to play with so what o suggest:

Have a ban option where you can add players. These players would then never be able to join the pvp games you host. This way we don’t have to keep booting players again and again. Keep the host of the game the same throughout.

I made this post because people think it’s funny to rush someone with an elite set at endgame but all it does is ruin the fun of others. The same can be said for players who play other levels other than endgame. Sometimes you just want to play with friends as well as other decent folk bar a few people.

Hosting private is a good counterarguement I guess but it doesn’t always gauruntee a full game. Nor would your friends always be available for pvp. It would be nice to play with people who you don’t know as well but who aren’t going to be a pain as well. Hence the advanced booting option.

Hope I made sense. Feel free to suggest tweaks.
Also Cinco feel free to tell me if there any problems with this.
I think it should be relatively straightforward to implement and would be a great QoL feature.

Can we have this at all levels?
Tbh it's a good suggestion but separating the map of l100 and l105 honor is the best way
It's because if you boot them, yes they can't join anymore but the problem is they can still merge the game host while in separate map if you merge it's still fair because everyone is using the same honor sets.