Quote Originally Posted by Prabsimar Chhabra View Post
As Guilds play a very important Role in Arcane Legends. I had an Idea , Why not make a Guild List. Or Something Like that!

My Suggestions are as Follows , not in order , Just Top 5. Let me know your opinion-

1- A Guild List - Top Guilds , Sorted by Player Count/ Aps and However the Guild Points for Lb are calculated can be in the Guild List in an Order. Leaders can Put in the Requirements. Players can click the Guild and join. And this wont only benefit the Lb guilds. Maybe We can have Top 100 Guilds on Display. And a Search Bar too to find Guilds, this will make recruitment very easy and people who waste time finding a recruiter / officer to be invited to a guild can save their time from this. Guilds can also write up a catchy description so people can get an idea what the guild is all about and this will help people know if the guild is international or a specific language is used mostly. It will help more people come together!

2- Guild Bans - Their can be a Guild Ban List , where players banned from the Guild will be so they can't join the guild again until they are unbanned. Their alts will be auto-banned too. This can be handled by Leaders/ Officers. This will prevent people from trolling by joining guilds without being invited.

3- 24 Hour or 12 Hour Cooldown - Their can be a Cooldown of 24 hours or 12 Hours to Join a New guild after leaving one to prevent Hoppers from joining and leaving guilds again and again. A warning will be given before leaving a guild so people can be reminded of this.

4- A Guild Bulletin - This is Much Required and Suggested Many times. We really need a guild bulletin to write a bigger MOTD. It wont be displayed in chatbox as it would be limited to many characters so Guild Officers / Masters can express their thoughts / Guild events in a better way. Maybe People can be notified in Chatbox when they enter game for example - The Guild Bulletin has been modified. And they can check this from the Guildhall.

5. Guild Hall Battle Ring - Collosal keep and Fiery Volcanium Guildhalls cost a fortune. They are huge but why not have a guild battle ring in the middle too so guildies can enjoy! These two guildhalls already have a circle ring in the middle. There is just a need to turn them into a pvp ring like festerfang.

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1) A lb guild is already existing, if you want to know it just by aps, you can check here on forum the thread Remi every now and then publishes, you will read lb place by pure aps
Adding the requirements near guild name would be nice.
No to sending invites to the guild to be ablr to join it, it would increase the number of guildhoppers, hoppers are lazy, in my opinion people needs to look well for a guild to join and not just by start sending invitation to all guilds

2) Yes good idea

3) Don't have an opinion about this, I mean who is guildhopper will always be, a cooldown not gonna change much people.

4) Yes it's needed

5) Yes good idea, I d rather ask honor type of pvp tho, and allow honor battlegrounds too

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