It's smee, RaptorBlitz or Aikillu - again. With a few questions in tow about teh Sand Caves.

1. What is the definitive best place to farm in the Caves? As in the one which nets me the most cash. I am currently farming Magic Rocks.

2. Which dungeon drops which drop? As in which one drops Crystalline, Onyx, Earthquake, etc.

3. Is it REALLY worth making a lvl21 alt to farm lvl21 stuff? What class would be best suited to this task? Currently I have a lvl12 alt, a bird.

4. If it really is worth making a lvl21 alt, does my other party member's levels affect the level of the drops? Eg: I have a level 65 guild mate who helps me farm. Would my drops be lvl21 or lvl25? Or do I need a team purely consisting of lvl 21s?

5. 5 is a nice, round number to end off my questions. Time to throw you a curveball. Why is the sky blue? :P

That's all, folks.