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Thread: Can sts not make rare vanities for sale again in vendors

  1. #21
    Star Guard octavos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistaGrinch View Post
    You had me in the beginning but last me in the latter not all players are able to purchase platinum there can be those who do decide to purchase the vanity for plat but it should definitely be tradable doing this purchase for plat but making it account bound will upset the majority of players and this wouldn’t be a good look for STS they are not going to sacrifice there credibility for the 1-2% of players circling around the same vanity for years it’s just not gonna happen also it does not benefit them in any way I don’t think sts is worried about the “trading market” bro that’s just my opinion tho

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    Then buy the tradeable version obviously. Its not hard to understand that bro. I wanna support devs, but i don't want the market to suffer. Give me a good explanation why it should be tradable if we never earned the original released ones lol.

    The plat bound version will help us and devs keep this game going. If you can't get plat, then buy it with gold. Simple really.  6901
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by octavos View Post
    Then buy the tradeable version obviously. Its not hard to understand that bro. I wanna support devs, but i don't want the market to suffer. Give me a good explanation why it should be tradable if we never earned the original released ones lol.

    The plat bound version will help us and devs keep this game going. If you can't get plat, then buy it with gold. Simple really.
    It should be tradable because players who decide hey I don’t want this anymore should be allowed to sell it weather they bought it with plat or gold how will this cause the market to suffer?? If your speaking on the High priced lb vanity’s that are circled around there’s a 1-2% of players who have that vanity so who is it really hurting??? I just don’t see sts releasing a platinum vanity that is a re release and they have it bound or a gold version that is bound? That makes no sense to me again this is just my opinion but I feel there will be issues if they decided to do this and when has sts just released bound vanity’s only during events? Even during swamp event there was bound versions and then tradable versions that’s just the way it goes sts not worried about the small 1% that wanna hoard there vanity’s if the majority of the game asks for a re release back to the public what do you think is gonna happen? Once again this just my opinion tho bro

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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistaGrinch View Post
    It should be tradable because players who decide hey I don’t want this anymore should be allowed to sell it weather they bought it with plat or gold how will this cause the market to suffer?? If your speaking on the High priced lb vanity’s that are circled around there’s a 1-2% of players who have that vanity so who is it really hurting??? I just don’t see sts releasing a platinum vanity that is a re release and they have it bound or a gold version that is bound? That makes no sense to me again this is just my opinion but I feel there will be issues if they decided to do this and when has sts just released bound vanity’s only during events? Even during swamp event there was bound versions and then tradable versions that’s just the way it goes sts not worried about the small 1% that wanna hoard there vanity’s if the majority of the game asks for a re release back to the public what do you think is gonna happen? Once again this just my opinion tho bro

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    my opinion as if you didn't want it anymore, it should have a liquidated value for gold. ill have you look at PL and SL for reference as they have similar mechanic...but its a loot box. it doesn't have to make sense because some items for plat ARE bound...if you didnt want, you didnt have to buy obviously lol...but why would you waist the money if u didnt want it. (sorry basing my info on facts not just my opinion)  6901
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    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentninjax View Post
    Don't know how you came up with this conclusion. I don't have the set nor do I want it, ever. lol

    My point was relatively simple, the impact wasn't that bad seeing as OP only talks regarding value.

    Post-scenario - Green arlor is rereleased (or blue for this year, who knows?)
    Arlorian winterfest sets are still worn commonly from all classes, it states that there is still a demand for it.
    Increasing availability would create more opportunities for others to obtain similar satisfaction, granted it has to be earned compared to being entitled.

    And this may seem off-topic but is it really that much of a big deal for the player base?
    Not quite, the devs do take in suggestions however the final decision are always theirs.
    Not claiming you wanted the set, merely mocking how re-releases shouldn't be welcomed in general. People can get the set they want, it's just a matter of how much they want to spend for it, rarity and the grind just adds to the thrill of . Not really into the monetary value, but it just so happens that it correlates to rarity (which is ofc why a lot of discontinued weapons/gear are expensive). I could care less about recolors, though lazy designs for most, it benefits me as a collector as I see it as a different item to add to my collection.

    It might not be a big deal for those who don't care about rarity, the thought of "everyone getting the same satisfaction" is a nice thought and all, but a big part of the satisfaction people get from earning those vanities comes from the thought of "not a lot of people have this", STS even capitalizes on this by having limited quantities of x vanity for sale. I get why some people may think "everyone should have a chance to obtain these items" (which they do, through auc/forums/sheer luck), but rarity is exactly what makes Vip and Maarkus' houses are so special.

    Also if content is the subject then it's all the more better if they create an entirely new one instead of re-releasing old ones. But then again, I doubt we can do jack sh-- if re-releases is what the devs want.

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    Quote Originally Posted by octavos View Post
    my opinion as if you didn't want it anymore, it should have a liquidated value for gold. ill have you look at PL and SL for reference as they have similar mechanic...but its a loot box. it doesn't have to make sense because some items for plat ARE bound...if you didnt want, you didnt have to buy obviously lol...but why would you waist the money if u didnt want it. (sorry basing my info on facts not just my opinion)
    Well this isn’t PL or SL this is AL and they have done it before so I’m sure they wouldn’t have no problem doing it again just like the same ones who depend on this “trading market” they didn’t have to buy the vanity’s but they did and eventually would wanna sell it I cannot see sts re releasing vanity’s and all of a sudden to help the “trading market” they make them bound?? Just not a reality I’m just trying to base it off real things that have already happen not fantasy’s ya know? Just sticking to the script that’s already been previously presented to me from STS ya know what I mean? Kinda like a fact that if they re release a vanity it’s gonna be tradable to everyone and the trading market can go kick rocks or something sts not worried about none of that just worried about what’s better for the other 99% of players bro

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  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistaGrinch View Post
    they didn’t have to buy the vanity’s but they did and eventually would wanna sell it I cannot see sts re releasing vanity’s and all of a sudden to help the “trading market” they make them bound?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    This is where people who have the vanity will disagree with you. to make a profit, it's just better to support a fellow plyer with gold. Now to support Devs a plat bound option. I'm in strong disagreement to re-release something for plat to resell for gold (which i can guarantee will happen). I understand this option with NEW stuff...but not old items. That will be a safety measure to protect the integrity of items that were earned. while still helping the game survive.

    other ideas
    or even better playing a premium price to make them tradeable. just like they did with the popcorn vanity :0)...or even adding a trade limit (having a max trade option...that will lock the item from being traded after so many times, but to unlock more sell options add a plat option to that)

    Quote Originally Posted by Arachnophobik View Post
    I cAn't wAiT foR tAb@rd
    i would sell mine, so someone else can enjoy it
    Last edited by octavos; 12-15-2020 at 04:31 PM.  6901
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    Quote Originally Posted by octavos View Post
    This is where people who have the vanity will disagree with you. to make a profit, it's just better to support a fellow plyer with gold. Now to support Devs a plat bound option. I'm in strong disagreement to re-release something for plat to resell for gold (which i can guarantee will happen). I understand this option with NEW stuff...but not old items. That will be a safety measure to protect the integrity of items that were earned. while still helping the game survive.

    other ideas
    or even better playing a premium price to make them tradeable. just like they did with the popcorn vanity :0)...or even adding a trade limit (having a max trade option...that will lock the item from being traded after so many times, but to unlock more sell options add a plat option to that)

    i would sell mine, so someone else can enjoy it
    I just don’t ever seeing that happening but maybe the devs will reach out and make your fantasy’s a reality bro who knows keep your spirits up bro

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    message deleted
    Last edited by Ilove_Poopoo; 12-16-2020 at 10:21 AM.

  11. #29


    I think you should check that thread in general discussion, cinco is "considering" to rerelease red and green arlors back

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  12. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverr View Post
    I think you should check that thread in general discussion, cinco is "considering" to rerelease red and green arlors back

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    all thanks to @Ilove_Poopoo be sure to thank him folks xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentninjax View Post
    all thanks to @Ilove_Poopoo be sure to thank him folks xD
    Lmao ofc I will open a grandcake for him too.

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    For y’all still looking at this thread...unfortunately Sts will be releasing Red arlor sets again but they have not decided yet when they will be releasing it. Just to let you guys know, keep it or sell it, up to you guys. I sold my red cap for warrior just incase they release it at these times. That’s all, Merry Christmas!

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    I agree, same here just brought the vanity for 40mil wouldn’t like to see it’s value goes down like green did. I’ve spent real life cash for it after opening locks I wouldn’t consider bringing it back

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