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Thread: Can sts not make rare vanities for sale again in vendors

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    Default Can sts not make rare vanities for sale again in vendors

    For example, i recently bought a red arlor cap today for warrior. And I would like to not have that rare vanity for sale in any vendors in any event. Bcuz last time sts made an event (i can’t remember) that has vendors and was selling green arlor vest and cap as a set in that vendor for 300 plat if I wasn’t wrong. And green arlor was actually more valuable than red arlor way back then. And i feel disappointed bcuz of how they made a vendor with those rare vanities for sale. It really ruins the game experience of players especially for those who has the vanities for so long and waiting for it to become more expensive in the future. Since winter event is here and it’s Christmas, im afraid that Sts might add those kind if rare vanities in vendor for sale like how green arlor was. No wonder green arlor is so cheap rn and there’s so many of them in game and in vendors for a cheap price.

    I just hope sts dont make the same actions. Don’t be offended, just an opinion from many of the fellow Arlorias in game that have been playing this game since it came out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xarlorianx View Post
    For example, i recently bought a red arlor cap today for warrior. And I would like to not have that rare vanity for sale in any vendors in any event. Bcuz last time sts made an event (i can’t remember) that has vendors and was selling green arlor vest and cap as a set in that vendor for 300 plat if I wasn’t wrong. And green arlor was actually more valuable than red arlor way back then. And i feel disappointed bcuz of how they made a vendor with those rare vanities for sale. It really ruins the game experience of players especially for those who has the vanities for so long and waiting for it to become more expensive in the future. Since winter event is here and it’s Christmas, im afraid that Sts might add those kind if rare vanities in vendor for sale like how green arlor was. No wonder green arlor is so cheap rn and there’s so many of them in game and in vendors for a cheap price.

    I just hope sts dont make the same actions. Don’t be offended, just an opinion from many of the fellow Arlorias in game that have been playing this game since it came out.

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    So you don't like competition, is that it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentninjax View Post
    So you don't like competition, is that it?
    How is that a competition? People like me paid huge amount of gold to buy vanity set today and before, and what I’m saying is I don’t want players being disappointed bcuz of what happened last time. People woke up in the morning seeing their green arlor set only cost a hundred thousand when they just recently bought that rare vanity in expensive price. You can’t blame players for paying a high price on those vanities bcuz green arlor is been there for a long time, then it’ll just be 300 plat in a vendor for a whole set? Like that ridiculous man. It’s disappointing and regretted for buying an expensive vanity that one day it’ll be worthless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentninjax View Post
    So you don't like competition, is that it?
    I cAn't wAiT foR tAb@rd/oG jEsTer t0 m@kE A cOm3bAck. hElL, I h0pE tHeY re-ReLeaSe yEtI sEt aGaIn tHIs wInTer fOr Lb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arachnophobik View Post
    I cAn't wAiT foR tAb@rd/oG jEsTer t0 m@kE A cOm3bAck. hElL, I h0pE tHeY re-ReLeaSe yEtI sEt aGaIn tHIs wInTer fOr Lb.
    Omg. No please not the yeti and jester i dont even see sellers anymore. Even in forum. Most rare vanities in AL

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arachnophobik View Post
    I cAn't wAiT foR tAb@rd/oG jEsTer t0 m@kE A cOm3bAck. hElL, I h0pE tHeY re-ReLeaSe yEtI sEt aGaIn tHIs wInTer fOr Lb.
    So true, imagine how much would green arlor worth rn in all class if Sts did not release those kind of event. All i care is about the rarity of the item and not about some competition.....just caring how people would feel if their hard work and efforts would just be ridiculously blow away just like that.

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    Rare vanitys should stay rare. Please no more re colour vanitys

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    agreed would rather have smth new done out when it comes to design.

    cons. some people would bash on the recent designs, calling the previous made once as relatively better. Of course this opinion is both relative and objective regarding taste.
    pros. there are more positive response as of late, especially the reviews regarding spirit sets, wolfman, hoarfrost and the like. (Not speaking through values but through art appreciation)
    so yes, there would be more expectations derived into the design section. Hope all stays well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arachnophobik View Post
    I cAn't wAiT foR tAb@rd/oG jEsTer t0 m@kE A cOm3bAck. hElL, I h0pE tHeY re-ReLeaSe yEtI sEt aGaIn tHIs wInTer fOr Lb.
    Don't know how you came up with this conclusion. I don't have the set nor do I want it, ever. lol

    My point was relatively simple, the impact wasn't that bad seeing as OP only talks regarding value.

    Post-scenario - Green arlor is rereleased (or blue for this year, who knows?)
    Arlorian winterfest sets are still worn commonly from all classes, it states that there is still a demand for it.
    Increasing availability would create more opportunities for others to obtain similar satisfaction, granted it has to be earned compared to being entitled.

    And this may seem off-topic but is it really that much of a big deal for the player base?
    Not quite, the devs do take in suggestions however the final decision are always theirs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xarlorianx View Post
    Since winter event is here and it’s Christmas, im afraid that Sts might add those kind if rare vanities in vendor for sale like how green arlor was. No wonder green arlor is so cheap rn and there’s so many of them in game and in vendors for a cheap price.

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    Back track a bit, You're telling me that you care more about the price compared to the content that would be possibly given out?
    where was it again, the spirit of Christmas? sharing with others, compassion, harmony. No?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xsilentninjax View Post
    agreed would rather have smth new done out when it comes to design.

    cons. some people would bash on the recent designs, calling the previous made once as relatively better. Of course this opinion is both relative and objective regarding taste.
    pros. there are more positive response as of late, especially the reviews regarding spirit sets, wolfman, hoarfrost and the like. (Not speaking through values but through art appreciation)
    so yes, there would be more expectations derived into the design section. Hope all stays well.

    Don't know how you came up with this conclusion. I don't have the set nor do I want it, ever. lol

    My point was relatively simple, the impact wasn't that bad seeing as OP only talks regarding value.

    Post-scenario - Green arlor is rereleased (or blue for this year, who knows?)
    Arlorian winterfest sets are still worn commonly from all classes, it states that there is still a demand for it.
    Increasing availability would create more opportunities for others to obtain similar satisfaction, granted it has to be earned compared to being entitled.

    And this may seem off-topic but is it really that much of a big deal for the player base?
    Not quite, the devs do take in suggestions however the final decision are always theirs.

    Back track a bit, You're telling me that you care more about the price compared to the content that would be possibly given out?
    where was it again, the spirit of Christmas? sharing with others, compassion, harmony. No?
    Nahh not just the price but the hard work of the players put on to those valuable items. Would u be happy if u recently bought or was keeping an item for so long cuz it was rare the one day it’ll just be 100k in auction? That’s the whole point of this thread. For real, I would be happy if Sts would give back my gold and other player’s gold if they release the same vanity set again. That’s my point, it’s hard work and effort. People grind on events and save up gold for valuable items they want to have.

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    Default Can sts not make rare vanities for sale again in vendors

    I got no problem if devs makes the same design like how royal winterfest looks like green and red arlor. But releasing the same vanity...there goes all your gold and hard work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xarlorianx View Post
    Nahh not just the price but the hard work of the players put on to those valuable items. Would u be happy if u recently bought or was keeping an item for so long cuz it was rare the one day it’ll just be 100k in auction? That’s the whole point of this thread. For real, I would be happy if Sts would give back my gold and other player’s gold if they release the same vanity set again. That’s my point, it’s hard work and effort. People grind on events and save up gold for valuable items they want to have.

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    Seems to be just a situation of pure greed so basically your saying that the “hard work” you put into the vanity’s cannot he enjoyed now because it’s cheaper? Did you not buy the vanity because you like it??? No? So then that means you bought it hoarded , to hopefully re sell later on I guess? If that’s the case that’s your fault sts decided to re release green arlor so that players can enjoy the vanity who where unable to buy it for the high price it was before your basically saying the née players or less fortunate shouldn’t be able to enjoy the vanity because you want to keep it “rare” hm that’s very selfish in my opinion bro and since that’s the basis of this thread as you have stated it’s a -1 From the Burger Baron

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xarlorianx View Post
    Nahh not just the price but the hard work of the players put on to those valuable items. Would u be happy if u recently bought or was keeping an item for so long cuz it was rare the one day it’ll just be 100k in auction? That’s the whole point of this thread. For real, I would be happy if Sts would give back my gold and other player’s gold if they release the same vanity set again. That’s my point, it’s hard work and effort. People grind on events and save up gold for valuable items they want to have.

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    I can see where you're coming from. Yes, I do believe it is indeed reasonable regarding people who chip in their effort in obtaining these sets. (Dw I own these too, just love the designs).

    " Would u be happy if u recently bought or was keeping an item for so long cuz it was rare the one day it’ll just be 100k in auction?"

    Would I be happy? no.
    Does it matter? no.
    When buying with a long term mindset it would mean you are exposed to a certain margin of risk, whether the price would fluctuate upward, or downwards.
    Because frankly, you wouldn't know exactly what would happen in the future. all of us would use events from the past to deduct the things that might happen in the future.
    Granted even some things in the future can go a complete 180 U-turn.

    Not offended in any way, and I hope you're not as well. this is just a discussion. You're not wrong, however I wouldn't say that you were exactly right.
    I do see where you're coming from, that's all that matters. No harm done.

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    People got greedy bcuz of how rare green arlor was and how valuable. Players was not really into the design of the green arlor set they greedily bought it cuz they were probably thinking “OH HEY, THIS VANITY IS RARE IMMA BUY LOTS OF THIS SET IN ALL CLASS AND SELL IT FOR A LOTS OF GOLD BCUZ ITS VALUABLE AND ITS RARE”.....then there it goes....thats how the spread of green arlor crossed the whole map of Arlor.

    One more thing. Black ice aura was released 12-12, and whoah people keeps spam buying it in store and it gets sold out within 5 seconds. And look at it now, no one buys it now cuz the price stays on 70m in auction. Now players sees how much hard work they put to have real money from their jobs and only getting 70m cuz of how players were greedy by purchasing so many of that black ice aura. People didn’t care about the design, they care for the gold they will get when they sold it to other players or in auction. As you can see, this new aura is released but i still see witchfinder and mystic aura being worn by players all over outposts. Players get greedy on buying these items bcuz the first thing that goes in their head is the value of it. Imagine if red arlor was released for 1.75k plat in store. You think they’ll buy it? Yes for warrior probably bcuz of the cap. And DEFINITELY YES for rogue bcuz of how valuable the cap is now and the vest rn compare 6-8 months ago -.-

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    To sum up all this...i just hope...REALLY hope that Sts wouldn’t ruin most of the players game experience. steel commando was really expensive...and I can’t get over how sts just released it in vendor :/ and way back then 5-10m was really valuable to most of the players.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xarlorianx View Post
    People got greedy bcuz of how rare green arlor was and how valuable. Players was not really into the design of the green arlor set they greedily bought it cuz they were probably thinking “OH HEY, THIS VANITY IS RARE IMMA BUY LOTS OF THIS SET IN ALL CLASS AND SELL IT FOR A LOTS OF GOLD BCUZ ITS VALUABLE AND ITS RARE”.....then there it goes....thats how the spread of green arlor crossed the whole map of Arlor.

    One more thing. Black ice aura was released 12-12, and whoah people keeps spam buying it in store and it gets sold out within 5 seconds. And look at it now, no one buys it now cuz the price stays on 70m in auction. Now players sees how much hard work they put to have real money from their jobs and only getting 70m cuz of how players were greedy by purchasing so many of that black ice aura. People didn’t care about the design, they care for the gold they will get when they sold it to other players or in auction. As you can see, this new aura is released but i still see witchfinder and mystic aura being worn by players all over outposts. Players get greedy on buying these items bcuz the first thing that goes in their head is the value of it. Imagine if red arlor was released for 1.75k plat in store. You think they’ll buy it? Yes for warrior probably bcuz of the cap. And DEFINITELY YES for rogue bcuz of how valuable the cap is now and the vest rn compare 6-8 months ago -.-

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    I understand that bro but then again it goes back to the original point that’s there fault for attempting to capitalize off a vanity it’s purely cosmetic it added zero boost to stats and if the player wants auras that bad there are 3/3-4/4 vanity sets available for them , the capitalists just have to suffer there consequences for buying them all up like that nobody especially not sts told them hey buy these auras all up you can resell them they put it in the game as a cosmetic option and the capitalist decided they were gonna make that gamble that’s on them not sts can’t blame sts for releasing the auras bro like I said I truly feel what your saying as far as the vanity’s being rare but the facts will always stand tall bro

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    Quote Originally Posted by MistaGrinch View Post
    Seems to be just a situation of pure greed so basically your saying that the “hard work” you put into the vanity’s cannot he enjoyed now because it’s cheaper? Did you not buy the vanity because you like it??? No? So then that means you bought it hoarded , to hopefully re sell later on I guess? If that’s the case that’s your fault sts decided to re release green arlor so that players can enjoy the vanity who where unable to buy it for the high price it was before your basically saying the née players or less fortunate shouldn’t be able to enjoy the vanity because you want to keep it “rare” hm that’s very selfish in my opinion bro and since that’s the basis of this thread as you have stated it’s a -1 From the Burger Baron

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    Hey, i had a steel command vest and a green arlor cap way back then and it cost alot. I never changed vanity even when AL released so much vanities in game. I was inlove with that cap and vest until it was released on vendors. You can say i was into the gold and rarity of the item but yes, i did love the set and kept it until that day. I used to be a design lover...but now im a mixed. Realizing how much money i put in this game and it’ll just banish 🥲 i do care about design ofc but i care more about the value and how rare the item is. I saw a thread talking about this gnarled armor vanity and people says that it is valuable than frank set. For me, frank set looks better but now players are saying that gnarled vanity cost alot more than frank set.

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    If sts would release these vanities again, atleast put it in LB rewards so people wouldn’t regret using +1b gold on those items

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xarlorianx View Post
    Hey, i had a steel command vest and a green arlor cap way back then and it cost alot. I never changed vanity even when AL released so much vanities in game. I was inlove with that cap and vest until it was released on vendors. You can say i was into the gold and rarity of the item but yes, i did love the set and kept it until that day. I used to be a design lover...but now im a mixed. Realizing how much money i put in this game and it’ll just banish 🥲 i do care about design ofc but i care more about the value and how rare the item is. I saw a thread talking about this gnarled armor vanity and people says that it is valuable than frank set. For me, frank set looks better but now players are saying that gnarled vanity cost alot more than frank set.

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    Look bro like I said I totally understand where you are coming from but vanity’s are purely cosmetic that is there purpose when sts releases these vanity’s that are supposed to be rare 99.999% of the time there non tradable if sts release these vanity’s and there tradable technically there not ment to be “rare” the players make it like that not sts so I feel your pain bro trust me but the facts are it still falls on you and that’s just the truth bro I’m sorry this has happened to you let it be a lesson in some way bro

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    I dont mind of they release again, but aslong as they are bought with plat and bound to the account. So it doesn't hurt the trading market.  6901
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    Quote Originally Posted by octavos View Post
    I dont mind of they release again, but aslong as they are bought with plat and bound to the account. So it doesn't hurt the trading market.
    You had me in the beginning but last me in the latter not all players are able to purchase platinum there can be those who do decide to purchase the vanity for plat but it should definitely be tradable doing this purchase for plat but making it account bound will upset the majority of players and this wouldn’t be a good look for STS they are not going to sacrifice there credibility for the 1-2% of players circling around the same vanity for years it’s just not gonna happen also it does not benefit them in any way I don’t think sts is worried about the “trading market” bro that’s just my opinion tho

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