Quote Originally Posted by Paraphrase View Post
Drop rate percentages aside, due to the sheer amount of vanities included the odds of getting any of the them are rather astronomical (200-300 runs in and no discernible reward to show for it). So don't worry, winter crates will definitely not flood the market with any of the rarest vans, I'd be surprised if there's more than a couple looted, considering the active paying player base.
The item he's talking about has been got by 2-4 players and this is just starting.

I doubt that he is pointing for the market flood, it´s on perspective, for us it´s cool that we can get it, but for the players who got it with their efforts farming and trying to keep top 10 of leaderboards for 1 week against all other playes could not be that cool.

That makes you think a lot of the time that you spent for that "unique" item.