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Thread: Next update

  1. #1
    Senior Member Golem's Avatar
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    Hi Cinco. We need really something we could focus on between event to event. I dont mean few pvp players they can pvp anytime. I am talking about PVE players wich is maybe 80% of PL players when maybe 20% or less who care about PvP...
    What i mean is forexample check every events there is 5-10x more players online than the time when we login and standing in town listening when same players everyday fighting insulting spamming... eachother in town which make me logout and get bored of game. We all know this problem.
    Instead of that give us something to do until the time for next event. Forexample 7th winter event ends, you can add temporarily Golden crates back to Thrax! There will be a lot farmers for them! If you want keep game alive like how its rn with winter event do no let your players get bored in towns full of drama... as i said just for Limited time. A small move but a big thing... thanks

  2. #2
    Forum Adept Vapourised's Avatar
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    Yeah it seems the way forward now with this game is to spice up PVE. I personally think we need 'superbosses' that require actual strategy to beat kinda like guru achy'tu'oh. We need PVE to be more challenging but in a way which requires good knowledge of skills and timing.
    This is the main reason why pvp players hate PVE. Because PVE is too easy and even when it was hard, it didn't require knowledge of skills like the guru did. Ebontrhax was no where as fun to fight.

    Anther idea is to add smarter AI controlled enemies as mini bosses. My idea for that is getting an AI controlled bot that has mythic gear and performs combos like players do in the arena.

    I would also really like a return to the older campaigns. What I mean is a new storyline for each area where you have to go back and investigate. Maybe a secret map and boss in each campaign? The boss could also drop vanities. This would encourage and help lower lvl players to level up. And would make PVE feel less empty because all I see are events and isle of the night. Doing the event again and again gets so freaking boring since there's nothing new. A PVE player wants to switch it up sometimes. Play the event, then some other maps. The only issue is that 'these other maps' are empty and u have to solo and the loneliness feel is a deterrent.
    Last edited by Vapourised; 01-02-2021 at 05:18 AM.

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    ^ And even the small focus towards pvp was shifted to pve.

    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    I dont mean few pvp players they can pvp anytime. I am talking about PVE players wich is maybe 80% of PL players when maybe 20% or less who care about PvP...
    1 -PvP-ers are most hardcore PLAYERS of PL
    2- They kept pl alive over all these years
    3- Pl's eco system WAS such pvp indirectly controlled the economy of pl.
    4- Forum would have almost zero activity without pvp-ers and with just EXCLUSIVE pve-ers over many past years, what this mean? this mean lets take 3 years back when forum was much more active, there would be hardly one 'golem' who wouldn't care about pvp on forum, I can't remember.

    So where pvp stand?
    Last edited by Waug; 01-02-2021 at 08:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
    ^ And even the small focus towards pvp was shifted to pve.

    1 -PvP-ers are most hardcore PLAYERS of PL
    2- They kept pl alive over all these years
    3- Pl's eco system WAS such pvp indirectly controlled the economy of pl.
    4- Forum would have almost zero activity without pvp-ers and with just EXCLUSIVE pve-ers over many past years, what this mean? this mean lets take 3 years back when forum was much more active, there would be hardly one 'golem' who wouldn't care about pvp on forum, I can't remember.

    So where pvp stand?
    Yes this is what poseidon doesnt understand

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    Quote Originally Posted by holdmytalons View Post
    Yes this is what poseidon doesnt understand

    Leaving aside the pvp vs pve thing, poseidons point was that there could be mini events between main ones, and I may agree.
    In al we have our seasonal events, rotational daily events, and mini events after all.
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    Cinco we see how you can make items at the last second fast so can you add good items to old bossies with low drop rate for now. This kinda thing keeps the momentum up and gives time to figured out the next big idea.

    If u keep the item at lower drop rate keep these item at like 2m sell to vendor price so they will always keep at least some value.

    But gives us a way to know what boss drop what maybe make the first the first 10 pc armoire/ vainity

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  10. #7
    Forum Adept Spullllll's Avatar
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    I think a whole new dungeon, much like Hyper Myxx, should be implemented with 7-10 new vanities. 10-15 plat per run, tradeable tickets. Same concept as Myx dungeon just maybe a new map and new vanities ofc.
    You should've gone for the head...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spullllll View Post
    I think a whole new dungeon, much like Hyper Myxx, should be implemented with 7-10 new vanities. 10-15 plat per run, tradeable tickets. Same concept as Myx dungeon just maybe a new map and new vanities ofc.
    Some powerful item sets would make it even better- with proc effect

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    Every time there a event on pocket legend and I notice this on arcane legend there just isn’t enough items added to the game to keep the momentum up. I would prefer new bossies etc but for now I think sts really should consider adding stuff to bossies until new map/ monsters are made. Constantly add new stuff to farm- free stuff to keep gamer busy tell the next big idea come.

    The main reason I recommend this is cause pretty much all the items from the games are pretty useless and out dated now.

    On arcane legend they do have a few low level items that are really good still even at cap like one of them low level agish shield weapon. But as far as pocket legend ever single monster and boss I kill has completely useless drops. Even the the sets are useless and just worn as cosmetic like merry maker set the pres set etc.. it’s cause of pets ability’s and qtr, pures etc. (but them over powered items were needed since a lot of the zones were dead and to hard to level on your on without 3x exlir) now there is a few sets that drop that are good but not enough.

    Buy revamping the drops table of all current bossies and release at lease a frew new items weekly it still gives plenty of time to work on next event and pocket legend 2.

    And if you add like a boss gaulet of old bossies that would give end players something to do and can continue updating the drop table. Kinda like appreciation for the people that take the time to sit and actually play the game and wanna farm.

    A dead game with inactive player can draw away people that wanna buy plat cause for some of us we wanna flex our new items and can’t if the game is dead’s every time event ends. or maybe we wanna buy items with plats and sell for gold but can’t cause no active players or cause all the gold is being held buy a few people.

    I really think one sts person should be task just to add new content to pre existing stuff on all there game weekly including vampire legend and Star Wars legend. I don’t think people would be upset unless there hording all the goods. But just in case it’s always best to ask the players what they want or if there cool with that

    Since these items are farmed in pve zones wouldn’t hurt to make them work for only pve. That way you can make them as powerful as you like. Name one person who you be upset if they have the full almighty set and go around one punching everything. But a set like that should be challenging to get and that would add to the reward once we actually own it

    Btw there no point of adding something if we don’t know we’re to farm it or it stats and ability. If u decide to do something like this be sure to add something in game that shows us at least what dungeons the sets are in. Otherwise it wouldn’t have such as great of a impact if people don’t know it exist or were to farm at these items
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    Last edited by Hjable; 01-07-2021 at 12:16 AM.

  13. #10
    Senior Member tarlan's Avatar
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    If they want to add a quick mini event they can just add back the old forest haven campaign for awhile.
    Or add the forbidden crypt or whatever it was called for a couple weeks

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    I like beer

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    Nice the screenshot made illegals to be guite and let ppl also share them opnions i have good ideas but few illegals who got banned in game or in forums are against me dosnt matter what i say unfortantly :/

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    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    Nice the screenshot made illegals to be guite and let ppl also share them opnions i have good ideas but few illegals who got banned in game or in forums are against me dosnt matter what i say unfortantly :/
    "I have good ideas but no one likes them"

    Seems contradictory there boss.

  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    Nice the screenshot made illegals to be guite and let ppl also share them opnions i have good ideas but few illegals who got banned in game or in forums are against me dosnt matter what i say unfortantly :/
    So, you like my idea about mini events?
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    For me the only problem with mini event is player Fatigue. Like I try to get all the items and it just start getting to expensive to buy them all. I end up just giving up buying stuff cause I miss items. Also I get to tired to do constant event one after another. Also about being expensive yeah we can farm gold to buy the new items if we have no luck but that get me tired after a while to and if the items are to easy for me to farm I don’t bother cause I don’t get rewarding feeling.

    One of the reason I recommended in game items added and there locations posted some were is cause we can farm them when we feel like it like we use to do for red dragon set, 50-51-55-56-60-61 etc sets. For me when I got a drop that has value and has a good use it was a great feeling

    But the crate idea I dig that but only if there is a permanent key vendor added to the game. Cause I like rare loot in crate and I’ll rather buy keys and sell in cs for other people to take the risk to find that item then try to buy that item I want from them directly or from cs. And with out keys crates just arnt fair cause the ones that truly benfits from the items are those with plats(non plat players can’t open them without keys) leaving plat players full control of all the price for content that come out of them crates. And that’s just isn’t fair to me.
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    Last edited by Hjable; 01-09-2021 at 03:30 PM.

  22. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by holdmytalons View Post
    Lol poseidon u posted a pic of a banned forums account that does nothing ur still a clown killerbqw

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    What you are talking about first of all!? 2. Insulting is against forums rules which make you get banned also for causing drama in threads.
    3. The screenshots thb does a lot. How many forums accounts you need to stand against me suentouspo? That ss is about your forums account which got banned for breaking rules and we both know i reported you cus you broked the rules as you again continue it and you have still not banned acc like that: Stephencobear.... sts should also bann that too also your toon in PL: Suentouspo. I will report you to support not gonna talk more. Was answer for Your guestion. Ty
    Last edited by Golem; 01-09-2021 at 08:23 PM.

  23. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    What you are talking about first of all!? 2. Insulting is against forums rules which make you get banned also for causing drama in threads.
    3. The screenshots thb does a lot. How many forums accounts you need to stand against me suentouspo? That ss is about your forums account which got banned for breaking rules and we both know i reported you cus you broked the rules as you again continue it and you have still not banned acc like that: Stephencobear.... sts should also bann that too also your toon in PL: Suentouspo. I will report you to support not gonna talk more. Was answer for Your guestion. Ty
    Lol im not sue

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    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    What you are talking about first of all!? 2. Insulting is against forums rules which make you get banned also for causing drama in threads.
    3. The screenshots thb does a lot. How many forums accounts you need to stand against me suentouspo? That ss is about your forums account which got banned for breaking rules and we both know i reported you cus you broked the rules as you again continue it and you have still not banned acc like that: Stephencobear.... sts should also bann that too also your toon in PL: Suentouspo. I will report you to support not gonna talk more. Was answer for Your guestion. Ty
    I welcome your report, and welcome them looking at the chats between me and anyone in both pl and al recently, it may be illuminating if checked against ip addresses

    But anyway, more mini events, good idea
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  26. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephencobear View Post
    I welcome your report, and welcome them looking at the chats between me and anyone in both pl and al recently, it may be illuminating if checked against ip addresses

    But anyway, more mini events, good idea
    So you telling me now that you are not that banned Suentouspo from forums? and i will tell you something after that

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