Quote Originally Posted by Spooked View Post
Ofcourse they realise, theyre not stupid..
You think they dont know more players = more money?
But the recources arent there, i agree sts is sometimes lazy in the stuff they do but you cant expect them to pull budget and time out of their arse
Its not always about money though. Getting new players attentions can be as easy as having (for example) a 30day reward system, I dont see the downside on an implementation for that. Every month there’s a new reward every day when you log in, this can range from exclusive mid-tier pets, to gold, to a small amount of platinum, crate keys, XP boosts or whatever your creative mind can imagine.

Shazbot and Klaas are not comparable. I dont think that 5 Health and 5 Mana Potions from Shazbot are going to motivate players at all.