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Thread: Coming back to the game...Is there still a game?

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    Forum Adept Superdexme's Avatar
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    Default Coming back to the game...Is there still a game?

    I played this game A LOT back in 2011-2012 and am now just playing to pass the time.

    Is this game completely dead? Do updates still occur? I am finding there are zero groups while leveling up, are there more groups in the later levels/end game?

    Just trying to decide if its worth putting time into this game if there isnt a community for end game.



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    Quote Originally Posted by Superdexme View Post
    I played this game A LOT back in 2011-2012 and am now just playing to pass the time.

    Is this game completely dead? Do updates still occur? I am finding there are zero groups while leveling up, are there more groups in the later levels/end game?

    Just trying to decide if its worth putting time into this game if there isnt a community for end game.


    End games is the most active forsure, we just finished the winter event on the 7th and probably due for another close to Valentines day

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    PL is more active than ever in terms of updates / events lol.

    PL won't die anytime soon it's been same and only another sts game can actually kill it sooner.

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    We still keep L12-17 alive for PVP best we can.

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    Forum Adept Vapourised's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superdexme View Post
    I played this game A LOT back in 2011-2012 and am now just playing to pass the time.

    Is this game completely dead? Do updates still occur? I am finding there are zero groups while leveling up, are there more groups in the later levels/end game?

    Just trying to decide if its worth putting time into this game if there isnt a community for end game.


    Don't waste ur time with PL. Not worth it. It's a complete abomination compared to what it used to be. The reason why you don't see players when lvling up is because no new players want to pick up this game. They're the sane ones

    There's only a few things you can do.

    1) 110 honor pvp. Gets old very fast. You always see the same dang people all the time.
    2) Events which aren't any fun. Grinding the same maps over and over again is boring. Feels like a chore to farm. Even more so, since the PVE in this game isn't challenging enough. Just hit skills randomly.
    3) Merch. Sit in towne all day and spam 'BUYING X,Y,Z' 1000000 times over or whatever for 8 hours straight rather than enjoying the game.

    Now if u want a a good game which has elements of classic pocket legends, there's a lot to choose from. Xenoblade chronicles DE is a good one if u have a nintendo switch. I'm just giving it here as an example but it's a very long game so will last u a while, actually has a storyline unlike PL, actually challenging boss battles that require strategy (you need to think about what gear do choose, what gems to equip and what build).
    And open world. AI controlled teammates.
    Not saying u have to play xenoblade, but just know there's lot of cool games that have these features.

    There's not that many good MMOs around anymore. The genre as a whole has died. If you want a good MMO, world of warcraft is the last remaining survivor.

    If you want a good phone game, brawl stars or genshin impact. I'm not saying that because they're my favorites. Hell, I don't even play genshin. But at least most people have heard of them. The mobile gaming community doesn't even know that PL exists. That's how low it has fallen. Ask any new player or someone who looks at PL from the outside. It's a completely awful.
    Last edited by Vapourised; 01-13-2021 at 01:02 PM.

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    110 honor pvp. Gets old very fast. You always see the same dang people all the time.
    Isn't its the case for all pl caps, some names changes, some class changes, some quit, some banned, some come back, some move from twink to endgame, some endgame to twink, some move to pve

    You always see the same ppl

    Oh I forgot, Some comes back due to memories; some can't come back due to memories, hahahaha
    Last edited by Waug; 01-14-2021 at 09:22 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
    Isn't its the case for all pl caps, some names changes, some class changes, some quit, some banned, some come back, some move from twink to endgame, some endgame to twink, some move to pve

    You always see the same ppl

    Oh I forgot, Some comes back due to memories; some can't come back due to memories, hahahaha
    Idk man. PL just doesn't feel as enjoyable as it did back then before the inflation, enchantments, event spam etc etc. Isn't just me saying it. Look at how small the playerbase has become. Does that sound like a thriving game?

    PL might still be fun for you lot and maybe OP will also enjoy it but the facts are that many abandoned it.

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    Default Coming back to the game...Is there still a game?

    Event is most active time. If your a returning player you can catch up to endgame level buy doing xp events. It’s usually loaded with a lot of experience. Watch cs price for awhile be for you sell some of your old valuables cause some might be worth a lot.

    So as far as leveling out of event depending on your level you could get any of the pets that gives 2k plus damage to have a smooth run. If your 50 plus you can do even more damage with a qtr, hemi, pure weapon.

    If your around like 80-90 I think dev is gonna be a good pet or any or them pets that let u do free runs in like there zones.

    85 swamp zone to make it clean grind remeber to use a pet with damage and a aoe weapon like alien staff and rally all the monsters up into a big mob and aoe (area of effect weapon) then all.

    Now when u get to like level 106 (the ship map) you can buy amulet and ring that has gold bonus and pet that has gold bonus and like a vanity shield that have gold bonus and can start farming gold at good rates. Some make like 1-4m a hr if I remeber correctly.

    U don’t have to waste all your gold on a pet or stress it cause if you wait for another event to come you can prob get a non tradable free one that u can use to max out your char using event tokens.

    Also to further making leveling easier there are vanity sets that give effects like 3x damage, def, xp etc and some give speed. So there a lot of new items that make soloing easier.

    And if you do the boat quest at like 106 you get like free 7m!!

    Oh you can also make good money selling event items last event items were going from like 30m and some like 200m and there even items for plat players to buy and sell.

    That’s all I can think of. Hope it helps

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    Last edited by Hjable; 01-14-2021 at 12:49 PM.

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    It breaks my heart to see the game in this state. The game didn't fall off because it was an inherently bad game, but more because people.. just lost interest. It's strange, seeing how this game won best MMO of 2010 and 2011, there's definitely an incredibly solid and fun game here, and I think tons of people would still love this game - if they knew it existed. My theory is the massive playerbase slowly dropped off, and lack of advertisements and exposure isn't bringing in players to compensate those who left and/or banned. This game was my childhood in 4th grade back in 2010, and I would love to see it rejuvenated, but unless something is done, this game will remain the shell of the game it used to be. Until then, here's to another year of PL guys

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hjable View Post
    Event is most active time. If your a returning player you can catch up to endgame level buy doing xp events. It’s usually loaded with a lot of experience. Watch cs price for awhile be for you sell some of your old valuables cause some might be worth a lot.

    So as far as leveling out of event depending on your level you could get any of the pets that gives 2k plus damage to have a smooth run. If your 50 plus you can do even more damage with a qtr, hemi, pure weapon.

    If your around like 80-90 I think dev is gonna be a good pet or any or them pets that let u do free runs in like there zones.

    85 swamp zone to make it clean grind remeber to use a pet with damage and a aoe weapon like alien staff and rally all the monsters up into a big mob and aoe (area of effect weapon) then all.

    Now when u get to like level 106 (the ship map) you can buy amulet and ring that has gold bonus and pet that has gold bonus and like a vanity shield that have gold bonus and can start farming gold at good rates. Some make like 1-4m a hr if I remeber correctly.

    U don’t have to waste all your gold on a pet or stress it cause if you wait for another event to come you can prob get a non tradable free one that u can use to max out your char using event tokens.

    Also to further making leveling easier there are vanity sets that give effects like 3x damage, def, xp etc and some give speed. So there a lot of new items that make soloing easier.

    And if you do the boat quest at like 106 you get like free 7m!!

    Oh you can also make good money selling event items last event items were going from like 30m and some like 200m and there even items for plat players to buy and sell.

    That’s all I can think of. Hope it helps

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    But he needs to already have substantial wealth to use those methods .
    That being said, I capped my mage to 110 in one event without xp kits or max cave tickets. You need to grind for 8 hours for like 3 days. Notice the word 'grind' here. Has connotations of repeatedly doing something without enjoying it. I did have to use sapphire set but as new player you can just follow 110 players and collect orbs (but those meanies boot you more often than not, good job guys I'm sure new players feel very welcomed by that!).

    Events are the only way to progress essentially. There's still a lack of a good storyline and engaging PVE. Events dont fix that.

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    The adventures and friends you made during the long grind sessions made this game special.

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    Idk, havent played since like 2012

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    I haven't played basicly since AL came out but I'm thinkin bout getting back into it. Wondering the same thing as the OP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Notdudetus View Post
    Idk, havent played since like 2012
    same lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Notdudetus View Post
    Idk, havent played since like 2012
    funny how we both got bored to check out the forum around the same time
    see you in 1-5 years again

    still remember the awesome and funny times with ya

    (@stephencobert i know you will thank this post)

    dreamteam back then:
    Last edited by DocDoBig; 01-26-2021 at 10:12 PM.

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    Just waiting for PL 2 to have the cap back to 56

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trenton View Post
    Just waiting for PL 2 to have the cap back to 56
    I know right

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    Yes the game is very active and even more active when there are events.Give it a try!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trenton View Post
    Just waiting for PL 2 to have the cap back to 56
    holy fuak it’s like all the oldies came out of hiding for this post

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    I believe there is so much potential for this game. I am addicted to playing it and honestly the events make it worthwhile for me. In between the time for an event and nothing going on you can play Isle of Ebonthrax for extra gold, awaken gear, buy/sell/trade what you need or want, recruit members for guild, and etc. I think what stops many new players is lack of assistance and help from those that are level 110. Advice or tips are rarely given for new players and many have no clue what they should be doing. I get that it takes time and patience for guiding small level player but honestly its not the end of the world for high level players. The L110's completely ghost small players when joining multi events or Host a game and lock it for only other L110 players. Its not good noob karma. Don't you guys remember how it felt to be small??? Obviously dont just hand small players gifts or gold but do runs or something. Geez its like all they care about is gold and having the best of everything while standing around on The Ship throwing around the same insults and hustle. To those of you wondering yes I do help small players and take the time to explain things to them, even ones with a language barrier. I try to spend at least 2 hours a day helping where I can. Guilds used to be a good foundation for new players but most guilds are inactive or some have a toxic environment. There is a game if you are willing to make it one. Come back and see, don't rely on others to make that decision for you, because some posts by veterans of PL sound hopeless or defeated about the game. Events are packed full of fun and excitement. I still enjoy it and that's because I am constantly doing different things in it everyday.

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