Quote Originally Posted by flashio View Post
New auction/offer house: Once player reaches L81 a npc will show up next to the current auction npc, talk to the new npc to lis an item for 48hrs with an auto buy price and a starting price, players will be able to place offers, once the time has ran out the item will be automatically sold to the player who placed the highest offer. *Notes: Only players with lvl 81+will be able to use this feature. In order to place an offer the player must have exact amount of gold, or more, the player wants to offer. The moment the players who placed an offer doesn't have the exact amount of gold the player offered, the offer will be removed (a notification will be sent to the player when this happens). When item gets sold, a notification will be sent to the seller. No tax will be charged to the seller when listing an item, only once the item gets sold since the price isn't settled until the time runs out. Both players (buyer/seller) are free to retire their item/offer whenever they want as long time hasn't ran out.*
Edit, new stuff added to the new features section