have you had a chance to try out the new
watch mode in arcane legends? If you haven't, this new mode allows you to open up your game for people on your friends list to spectate as you play. Likewise, you can pop in to your friends' game as a fly on the wall and see what they're up to.
In this new
community contest, we're calling on the al streamer and youtuber community to put together your best watch mode highlights.
how it works:
choose a theme for your video highlight real. Best speed runs? Funniest moments? Most epic deaths? Al flash mob? Your creativity is the only limit!
2. Head into arcane legends and record some of the best action you can find in watch mode! This can either be livestreamed, or recorded to edit later for youtube.
3. Select the best highlights from your watch mode adventures and combine them into a
1-3 minute highlight reel for your theme. Feel free to get creative with editing, commentary and whatever else will make your video awesome!
4. Upload to your video to a youtube channel or other video hosting site and post on the forums with the template below.
ign: remiem
theme: best boss fights!
youtube or twitch channel: [link]
video link: [link]
use "thanks" in the forums to cast votes for your "fan favorite" video. You can 'thank' as many posts as you want!
A panel of sts judges will ultimately select 5 winners, each in a different category:
- most creative theme
- best editing
- best moment
- fan favorite
- best overall video
each winner will receive 2000 platinum and their video shared on sts/arcane legends social media channels on facebook, instagram and twitter.
All youtube videos will be added to an epic playlist on the sts youtube channel where all sts fans can watch your creation!
In addition, all participants will receive the new [watcher] title, while all 5 winners will receive a purple [creator] title!

- one (1) entry per person, no group entries. If you post more than one, the one posted most recently will be used as your entry.
- all content must adhere to the sts and forum rules and terms of service.
- videos must be between 1-3 minutes long and uploaded for public view on youtube or another video hosting site.
- for moderation purposes, any captions and vo must be in english.
- all work must be your own! If videos are found to have clips, content, etc. From other creators they will be disqualified.
how to use the 'watch' feature
enable 'allow friends to watch' in your friends list to show the new dragon eye icon when you're online. Your friends can click this icon to be transported to watch as a fly on the wall wherever you're playing. All names, tags, and chat will be hidden. They just get to watch the events in your session unfold like a great live movie.
to watch others, open your friends list and look for the blue dragon eye icon. Click on it to instantly join their room to watch.
Best of luck, legends!! We can't wait to see your highlights!