Quote Originally Posted by Paktwo View Post
I'm tired of helping my low lvl guildies of there multiple quest daily. The worst is they will leave the guild if you didnt help them so sad. So i want to reduce daily quest by making it all in one single quest and the reward is 500k exp -1m exp, 500k gold-1m gold. Or a new "exp, gold dungeon map" 1 try daily and the reward is massive exp n gold.
Tnx happy lunar new year...kong hi fatchoi.
Ni hao ma...
-1 This is absurd, unfair and lazy, that is not how you play this game and also you are tired of helping your new player guild mates is not our or their problem. it's always your choice to help them or not, if they leave the guild because of that, that's basically not your fault for being "unhelpful" that's their choice you can't force someone to stay in a guild for your own good.