Hey guys,

I was checking out a fan made trailer for Dark Legends, which can be found here for anyone interested : http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...LER-(fan-made)

The trailer made me realize, is there a recording app for Google Chrome?

So, I went over to the Chrome Store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/c...hrome-ntp-icon , searched "Recording" and one of the results was called "Screencast". It is the 8th choice.

Find it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/d...hrome-ntp-icon

Quoted from the store:

Records a video of your chrome browser. Lets you share out the video or stills of the video.
This extension creates a browser action that records your chrome session. You can share stills to Picasa and also eventually download complete screencasts.

1. Click browser action to start recording (red dot should appear)
2. Click again to stop recording (popup window)
3. Scrub through the video, play/pause
4. Share still with the button on the right.

I suggest you check it out, works pretty well! It appears next to the spanner icon top right of the browser. Click it and click it again to stop recording.

Please note, video sharing isnt implemented yet.