Quote Originally Posted by Snakespeare View Post
Don't know if this will work...
well... I will have to find a better way...
Very cool, thanks - I was able to get it all into a spreadsheet and set up the gold on my spreadsheet and the missions I don't have access to yet. One thing your list is missing is the bonus opportunities...would you mind telling me the percent chance of a rare drop for glamour gang leader in the gallows on to the end?

It should be one of the following for each mission:

95.9% Rare (no common available)
90.9% Rare (no common available)
22.3% Rare (common is 31.8%)
14.2% Rare (common is 20.2%)

If I know that, then I can make accurate projections for the average you can expect rather than just the guaranteed default. If there's a rare percent chance other htan those, then I'll need to get to that mission to see what can be dropped as a bonus, but those are hte only 4 options I've seen to this point. If you don't want to gather that info then I'll just keep updating as I reach each mission.

Gold info isn't in the spreadsheet yet but I'll add that in the near future.