Hey! me again here in Technical Issues and Bugs

From now on: I play on PC.

Since a few days ago i have a little problem with the game, always i enter, i need to charge the all game from 0. I mean download all the game all the +110 packages. It is tedious to be downloading the game every time I log in and configuring all my setup from 0.

The few times that I have entered the week I have had to load the game many times, it does not remain in the browser as before, it was only to load it and you entered normally or if there was maintenance only the small updates are downloaded.

I don't know if someone else will have this problem.

I have already:
- Rebooted my PC.
- Updated my browser.
- I restart my browser.

And the problem continues, any solution?

I usually plays on:

Opera GX version: LVL 2 (core: 73.0.3856.434)
Windows 10.