Just wanna say my honest opinion about VIP thing that have been popping up for a quite some time now..it won't do any good for the game itself, mainly this can cause superior thing in the game making the game unbalanced or unfair to everyone, also not everyone can afford that VIP subscription for marriage thing, that marriage subscription can only benefit for those people who just stay in the club or gh doing nothing, how about for those people farming and working hard everyday in the game, cuz i mean one reason we play DL cuz we like the gaming system it's adventure. Those kind of subscription can only benefit for those who usually chill in the game. Sorry but it's the truth let's be realistic, the marriage system now are good and to make it better maybe add the System Announcement For Newly Wed Couples just like in AL. DL is better now let's not make it more complicated for those people who just want to play, also adding VIP subscription for marriage it's way too far, DL is an adventure game cuz of it's story and side quests, that's why it's called MMORPG and it's not like those virtual world games such as Avakin. Adding this kind of subscription it can lead the game to a dating site and the essence of the game itself will disappear eventually. This is only personal thought and for us players who really play the game we need something that can benefit all of the players in the game.

Peaceee I'm outtt ✌️