Well, well, I made Stripperella into a Guildmistress. I bought a mansion, too. Whoo-hoo!

Here's the rules.

1. Can't be cruel to animals. Pam won't allow that!

That's it. If you're level 3 or 21 (current cap), it doesn't matter. If you're a girl or a boy, or your toon is, it doesn't matter.

As for what we do... well... the TOS is an agreement between you and the devs. It's up to you to maintain that agreement. The guild does not recommend breaking the TOS. The guild also does not interpret the TOS. Anything allowed by the TOS is OK. Yay!

This is the first time I've ever made a guild and it could well bomb. Wish us luck.

Oh, everyone will be made a recruiter. Invite and we'll boot if they turn out to be mean to animals. And remember... "All animals have the same parts!"