After seeing the arcane legends trailer on youtube and a sneak peek of the new underwater cap, I think it's a possibility.

The trailer suggests to me that STS is considering new players more. It's making an effort to pull them in. Before, the game did a poor job of this since the game wasn't advertised well. We could expect to see new players come in and this would greatly benefit the game. PVE won't feel so empty lower down for one. Secondly, more players mean more money which in turn means the game can be more F2P friendly. Indeed I think STS would be inclined to make it go in this direction for the sole reason to cater for these new players.

And ofc new players means the game can be spread through word of mouth which is obviously good.

The new cap looks awesome. I can see many previous AL players returning to play it which will obviously boost the game's playerbase.

Ik I'm sounding very optimistic but with returning players and new players, the game's playerbase should spike up considerably. It will likely stay up since people have the tendency to leave games which feel barren. This won't be the case with AL any longer.

More people = more spending = game becomes more F2P friendy and the cycle continues.

What say u?