Quote Originally Posted by Xtremez View Post
If you haven't caught up with the arguments, well there are generally 2 sides: the ones who farmed hard and bought it to use and like it the way it is right now and those who might have not bought it yet and are bothered greatly by its scarcity and pricing and are jealous of those who have it. From time to time there may be another party who has dozens of these but since they are rich af anyways, they don't care if this the wep is nerfed or not. What your suggestion will do is greatly make the wep available for many, removing the need for the high prices in auc and basically killing the value of the wep for those who have it already. One side happy, one side devastated. Look at hex staff which can be bought from a vendor via tokens, no need for its price to be high anymore.
I think u need to first read abt AL in this marvel event they bought back white and black marvel back … do u think anyone will offer more than 100m for marvel whoch was sellin for 500 plus highly unprobable right…. AL is now slowly killing th hoarders making the game more playable for new players ….. like u said there are 2 sides new and old players … old players are toxic and take advantage of new players if they dont know prices …. So i support new players who are friendly and realy help u in dungeons …. Shoutout to my guild excellency where there are very less op ppl atm but very friendly and ready to help oppossed to higher guild who just flex and dont even respond to messages ……