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Thread: Bots be farming 48H straight(Game breaking Inflation)

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    Default Bots be farming 48H straight(Game breaking Inflation)

    I cant compete with a bot player who made a few B, they buying items OP, now everything rised.

    Btw, who asked for a gold farming event? When we alrdy had Isle of Night which is already bad for inflation?

    We already have very high amouts of gold in circulation, the inflation is crazy, but with the current gold tier farming zones dropping sometime tomorrow, things will only get worse and out of control.

    There are 100 people on leaderboards and all of these 100 people are at 100k points eligible for gold tier farming zones. This will only cause damage to the game its players and its economy.

    The top 25 players already get 750k gold, and the vendor does not sell items for gold either to balance or even things out. Please roll back the gold tier farming zones for something different and better if possible as the outcomes will be devastating and game breaking for the economy of the game.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Community Speaker View Post
    I cant compete with a bot player who made a few B, they buying items OP, now everything rised.

    Btw, who asked for a gold farming event? When we alrdy had Isle of Night which is already bad for inflation?

    We already have very high amouts of gold in circulation, the inflation is crazy, but with the current gold tier farming zones dropping sometime tomorrow, things will only get worse and out of control.

    There are 100 people on leaderboards and all of these 100 people are at 100k points eligible for gold tier farming zones. This will only cause damage to the game its players and its economy.

    The top 25 players already get 750k gold, and the vendor does not sell items for gold either to balance or even things out. Please roll back the gold tier farming zones for something different and better if possible as the outcomes will be devastating and game breaking for the economy of the game.
    Facts ^

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    I usually am a champion and try to give positive feedback when it comes to STS and their events and Customer Support. But for this event , I have to agree with Community Speaker.

    The issue with Bots for farming gold is an issue that has to be addressed.

    I managed to reach 1st on the leader boards with the help of many friends. I spent countless days farming this event with friends, using over 250 plat on elixirs and hundreds of thousands of gold as well. I had a tactic of putting the elixirs on alt accounts to spawn the myxx boss and gold skeletons at the start of the map. (I had many people spying on my alts in towne wondering what I was doing, which was very amusing).

    What is disappointing is the services given to me and my friends by STS customer service. We reported a top 5 leader board player (for sharing his account with another) and many bots encountered during the event.

    Only one Bot was banned.

    I understand it is not easy to investigate all the claims players do report, but we try to give as much evidence as we can. I know the one bot that was banned had video evidence of the botting.

    One of the top 5 learder board player that was sharing his account to get points with another, I had given in game chat logs and discord chats with the two different players.
    Expressed to support to check the two players accused of sharing accounts their chat logs, because player 2 went on his account and told me in direct message " I am (player 1)".
    To my disappointment I received the usual reply from support and no action was taken. If you message me I will be more than happy to show you the evidence I have of the sharing accounts.
    Last edited by Fwend; 07-30-2021 at 03:21 AM.

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    I am awake from my hibernation. All I have to comment here is that these are things that will continually cause the dying off of one of the greatest mobile games ever made. This game is better than new engine games in 2021, but things like this completely ruin and cause players to quit. Our player base can’t take anymore players leaving it is already a small community. Which is why this small community sees and feels the impact of everything. Their is nothing that can be reversed here people farmed for the gold tier their will be inflation.

    I have no feedback for the state of bots. I’m pretty sure if you have been around for a least 1 year we are still dealing with this every time we have a gold event and it completely breaks the economy visibly or invisibly.

    My advice as always I’d get rid of the thing that is cutting off the legs before it get to cutting off the head= get rid of gold farming.

    Lastly do better with the support for players. When you ignore people who send stuff about abuse of the game and you don’t do anything it’s a huge slap in the face to the people who keep your game fun for the community. I hear now days support is useless and that is disheartening.
    Last edited by Chaasivab; 07-30-2021 at 06:23 AM.

    I don't know how to play video games casually. I'm either not interested at all or I play 16 hours and forget to eat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaasivab View Post
    I am awake from my hibernation. All I have to comment here is that these are things that will continually cause the dying off of one of the greatest mobile games ever made. This game is better than new engine games in 2021, but things like this completely ruin and cause players to quit. Our player base can’t take anymore players leaving it is already a small community. Which is why this small community sees and feels the impact of everything. Their is nothing that can be reversed here people farmed for the gold tier their will be inflation.

    I have no feedback for the state of bots. I’m pretty sure if you have been around for a least 1 year we are still dealing with this every time we have a gold event and it completely breaks the economy visibly or invisibly.

    My advice as always I’d get rid of the thing that is cutting off the legs before it get to cutting off the head= get rid of gold farming.

    Lastly do better with the support for players. When you ignore people who send stuff about abuse of the game and you don’t do anything it’s a huge slap in the face to the people who keep your game fun for the community. I hear now days support is useless and that is disheartening.
    nice words. i agree with everything that you said

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  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fwend View Post
    I usually am a champion and try to give positive feedback when it comes to STS and their events and Customer Support. But for this event , I have to agree with Community Speaker.

    The issue with Bots for farming gold is an issue that has to be addressed.

    I managed to reach 1st on the leader boards with the help of many friends. I spent countless days farming this event with friends, using over 250 plat on elixirs and hundreds of thousands of gold as well. I had a tactic of putting the elixirs on alt accounts to spawn the myxx boss and gold skeletons at the start of the map. (I had many people spying on my alts in towne wondering what I was doing, which was very amusing).

    What is disappointing is the services given to me and my friends by STS customer service. We reported a top 5 leader board player (for sharing his account with another) and many bots encountered during the event.

    Only one Bot was banned.

    I understand it is not easy to investigate all the claims players do report, but we try to give as much evidence as we can. I know the one bot that was banned had video evidence of the botting.

    One of the top 5 learder board player that was sharing his account to get points with another, I had given in game chat logs and discord chats with the two different players.
    Expressed to support to check the two players accused of sharing accounts their chat logs, because player 2 went on his account and told me in direct message " I am (player 1)".
    To my disappointment I received the usual reply from support and no action was taken. If you message me I will be more than happy to show you the evidence I have of the sharing accounts.
    that is true!

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  10. #7
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    So this was a problem in al, so they made it so every time you log into a map the camera angle was off by several degrees

    Bots have decreased significantly it seems

    Could this be done in pl, or is there a reason it’s not a good idea?
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    We all know the guys who against gold events are thos who already farmed billions of golds and they holding it that golds worth more. I can promice if this guys who making this threads if they were collectors and invested already them golds werent here soryy for saying this "crying with this sts pl events. Ending gold events = bye bye pl.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Golem View Post
    We all know the guys who against gold events are thos who already farmed billions of golds and they holding it that golds worth more. I can promice if this guys who making this threads if they were collectors and invested already them golds werent here soryy for saying this "crying with this sts pl events. Ending gold events = bye bye pl.
    I dont have billions and i dont want gold farming maps lol poseidon

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    Quote Originally Posted by holdmytalons View Post
    I dont have billions and i dont want gold farming maps lol poseidon
    Am not Poseidon again.
    Who is this buno disease(sry for saying this but fr am not Poseidon 2nd time )

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    Stay tuned, support my thread I’m going to post. I have an extraordinarily simple way of bringing pl back to life along with helping sts continue to profit off of PL without adding anything new. And I think every og player will love it and agree to it.

  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itastemvp View Post
    Stay tuned, support my thread I’m going to post. I have an extraordinarily simple way of bringing pl back to life along with helping sts continue to profit off of PL without adding anything new. And I think every og player will love it and agree to it.

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