+ An all new Beach Blanket Burglar event begins at 1:30pm Central on July 29th and runs for two (2) weeks!
+ Talk to Annette in Windmoore for more info, and chat with Elvis to purchase event items.
+ Imbibe the Beach Brew Elixir and enter the event portal in Windmoore (access only with elixir active, elixir effect lasts for 1hr).
+ Protect an array of party supply crates in order to save the annual Arlorian Beach Bash from destruction!
+ Collect Sand Dollar tokens to purchase items from Elvis in Windmoore town.
+ Open the Locked Beach Bash crate for a chance to loot trade-friendly versions of event vanities!
+ Limited quantities of the Surfer's Mystic Water aura will be available in the Store on July 31st and August 1st.