After the successful launched of dark legend with increasing players of star legend and all-time-favorite pocket legend, space time studio is creating a new great game to add flavor and thrill to its players.

What's new? Here are two of them!

There will be 1 additional class of character! Here are the full list of classes and main attributes:
(1) Faes of Forest Kingdom (magic speller - advantage over demonic but not orcish)
(2) Humania Colony (long range speedy attackers - advantage over orcish but not demonic)
(3) Island of Orcish Race (anti spell tanker - advantage over fairies but not humania)
(4) Demonic Marsh (heavy bloody attacker - advantage over humania but not fairies)

Phone camera function will be added (with corresponding keys for chrome) for thrill! Player will enter to some dungeon to solve mysteries and answer questions through commands using camera sensor (such as shaking, driving direction, voting left or right)

See you all to the new adventure!!!

<DISCLAIMER> These statements are not true but intend to suggest ideas that hopefully useful if not crap Thanks for reading