Quote Originally Posted by kiitz View Post
This is all part of STS plan to shift customers around. They don't want you staying with one game. They want you jumping around and buying plat for multiple games. Let one go kind of stale, just enough so people go try the other games, and then before everyone gets too fed up, come out with another update. They gotta make money some how and when you are putting out F2P games, you gotta push your customers to spend money in anyway they can.
Exactly what I had in mind...that's the only logical explanation. This opinion will not be popular, in fact, expect to be flamed. But I agree with you on this one. Not even Blizzard was able to launch this many MMO games in such a short period of time...in fact, Blizzard only has one MMO game as of the moment...World of Warcraft. With Blizzard's success, they could easily launch multiple MMO's if they wanted to but I guess it's a matter of business call more than anything else. Like you, I also think they're trying to acquire funds as quickly as possible by launching multiple games, that may backfire in the long run if they don't get enough foundation of players in each of their game: PL,SL,DL and soon AL (because many players are just crossovers players: PL player visits SL, SL visits DL, etc.). What they need to accomplish is to make each of their game independent from one another, PL having different base players from DL, DL from AL, AL from SL, and so on and so forth, in order to maximize it because eventually these crossover players who are playing 2-3 STS games all at once and spending platinum on each will run out of interest to spend. I think SL is already in the decline because the PL population that crossed over to SL came back to PL eventually, SL did not establish foundation and relied on crossover players from PL...just like in my prediction in my previous post, I think there's only going to be one game standing...these games will cannibalize each other and players will rally to the best game of the bunch...even if STS hired the best developers in the world, they can't create perfect games under one genre (MMO)...only one MMO will come out on top and feed off the success of their other MMO games...that's just my opinion though, anyway, I agree with you. That's all I wanted to say LOL.