Quote Originally Posted by Endpoints View Post
Maybe make the new sets/gears like Valentines Set, make the stats low and balance for PvP and just add bonus additional stats that only works for PvE? (though in this way all previous sets must be adjust too). If enchantments need to stay, then it should be adjusted/nerf, like there should be a limit per level. Skills, specially the buffs and debuffs maybe needs to adjust too in % instead of exact numbers.
Not a bad suggestion, but the main focus here is to keep it simple ‼️‼️ Not a bunch of coding that’ll have to be done. Just a simple remake of humania for lv110 or lv115, gear stats the same, just adjust the level to 110 and maybe recolor some things , and make the gear non enchantable . Or just make the uncrafted sets none enchantable and the crafted sets can still be enchanted ! That way pvpers can enjoy pvp with non craftable sets but still farm materials to craft the gear to be able to enchant !!‼️‼️