Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
A little off-topic here, but I wanted to let you know that I've noticed something important about this thread. Something that makes it distinct from previous 'nerf response' threads. You're all being very constructive. I expected that I'd be dropping the ban hammer all day for death threats, crazy personal attacks and rampant profanity. Very glad to say that I was wrong.

In my opinion, attacking my decisions as stupid and game-killing, class-killing, etc. are entirely valid and are in no way toxic. There really is no other way to express extreme displeasure. It is meaningful and (while maybe a lil salty) it's constructive. It's my job to make these kinds of decisions and it's my job to deal with the human consequences (and the business effects as well, obviously). And this instance has shown me that the community sentiment has changed for the better, or at least the much more mature.

Anybody know what I mean when I say "GCD?" If you're not up with ancient Pocket Legends forums lore: about ten years ago we had to nerf that game in a very similar way. When PL originally launched players could invoke all twelve (12) of their class skills at the exact same time - just by laying hands on the skill portion of the screen. Proc stacking has nothing on this utterly game-killing 'feature' of PL. We had to change the game to include a "global cool down" for skills, meaning that each skill had to be fired off individually. The outcry over this was, and is, the greatest outrage of all Spacetime nerfs. Of course, the game survived this change, and was better for it... but that's not my point.

My point is... thanks. That's all.

Now back to it :-)
Thanks too for making me able to decompress from IRL into this wonderful micro world!!!

And about this stacking proc removal, we still can proc all our gears(Wep, Armor, Belt, etc..) at same time? no? we still have our Ultimate? As a Warrior i have to admit that i have really enjoy those stacking procs but i also have to admit that in the long run it really felt like "God Mode"!!

So i think that we should try it 1st for a couple of days before making solid suggestion base on experience!!

Good luck all and have fun in this sooo waited new expansion!!!