As for now, my responses towards our expansion are we are evolving backwards, i dont know whats the future weaps will be tho.
The adjustment that been made for the proc stacking really comes out awful for me as war. And to justify that war should tank, i dont even think that anyone would need a tank that the real thing is everyone will just simply revive if they die, no one need wars to tank and war become a useless job that slow down the party

As for before, the proc stacking has been the authentic for AL that differs it from other mmorpg, im really upset that it got removed it just felt like u took away the fun.

NOTE that the proc stacking in AL is very similar with genshin impact gameplay which is the biggest game rn with over $1B revenue in just within one year of release, a good example that a good gameplay is the most important thing.

This expan outcome is really boring and just bland for me for now what keeps me playing is just because im running lb seasonal atm.

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