Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
1. Cinco your game is limiting everyone to 1 class 1 weapon the same gear same this and that. It is no fun removing the proc system, the proc stack system was what made AL fun when it was introduced back in 2019. We had to sit there and learn what goes with what until we mastered it and once we mastered it we got better and better it was super fun when proc combos got added. Pve was a whole new game changer it was faster paced and my point here is that theres 2 types of fast paced games.
Path of Exile vs AL. AL you can not dodge attacks, without damage you are stuck not even moving around just spamming skills until 1 mob is dead not fun vs with proc combos speed kill running maps which is fun. Path of Exile you go deeply into player build when fighting a boss you are teleporting around the map moving at all times; constantly thinking while your adrenaline is rushing hoping you don't die in that 20min boss fight. Potofgreed showed me a PoE boss fight its intense.
Fix your weapons nerf them boost other weapons so they are freely used allow proc combos.

2. You have all of these arcane and mythic weapons from old expansions that nobody uses because they suck so those weapons become dust. Revamp these weapons to be useful in any level and bring them back into the game. Everyone says they care about new players, but disabling proc stacking and making it where 1 weapon is only usable aka lv 86 arcane as the most op. That 1 weapon will be so expensive that little to no one will have it. Bringing back old weapons and making them more op allows for more diverse game play and a more open weapon market to those new players.

3. Cinco. You have 407 pets in AL! Four hundred and seven pets. Thats a huge quantity to choose from but whats not a huge quantity is the amount of pets that are actually used by players which is around 5% of that 407. You pay real money to your art team to design these pets you then take them put them into your game with bad stats and aa so no one uses them. They exist to rot in the stable, one of the first arcane pets named Nekro is still favored and used by many players to this day so why not the weapons?

4. If you release swamp temple with everyone using the same gears then there is no big point difference; everyone will have very close less than 1000 point differences. All of your leaderboards are now back to rogues only, Evg, Hydra, Orrick, Planar, Etc.

5. Vote system, add a vote system in AL for future plans; whats more accurate than asking your players on what they want? Nothing is, your community wants your game to be successful but they can't do that if what the devs do hurts them and never ask them for their option. Arcanite fields had only 300~ people vote when you have thousands of players on the game. Let people lv 76+ vote so there isn't a monarchy.

6. Let your player community help you with stuff, there are a lot of people who dissect this game and learn as much as possible and many of those people if you gave them the chance would go out and freely help you with improving the game at no cost of any type of rewards.

Remember when evg first came out with a solo lb and we all said theres no way a war can solo past wave 5 then now we got wars with 1m+ pts wave 50+. We couldn't even pass wave 25 as a 4 person group when it came out. Its fun to learn stuff and figure out things on your own.
There is a lot to change in AL, gears, pets, store, economy, game play, and more.

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1. It made it fun for you maybe, but I don't think you're speaking for everyone here. For me fun is when each boss has a different mechanic and we use a different strategy for each boss, rather than using the same skill spamming hotbars vs everything. For others, the fun might be in something completely different.

2. New players are supposed to buy every single weapon to be useful in end game. Now they can just buy one and they'll be fine. It's better for them. The best weapon should be expensive anyway, it has always been before the proc stacks, and we all survived it.

3. Agree with this one. The majority of pets is just useless filler.

4. The point difference will be settled by skill, which I think was the actual point of the event. Not $$$.

5. Disagree with this, but if I say why then I might sound offensive so I'll just keep it simple.

6. I'm sure they already take our feedback seriously when it's 'constructive' and not based on our personal wishlist.

The proc-stacks going away is a good thing. Makes it way easier for STS to design new things, since they won't have to worry if some random combination of obsolete weapons will ruin their plans. We already have other items which have OP procs such as Armors, Belts, Artifacts and Pendants, and I'm sure there will be even more items with good procs in the future, so we can always use different combinations of items to get our desired results.