Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
You have a valid point on the timing of this update although I wouldn't completely agree. This is a public forum, so I hope you had already expected different opinions when you posted your disclaimer. So, if it interests you, feel free to read on if not, no hate here, I'm gonna share what I have experienced as well.

Speaking as an average mage too, with only 1,25k INT, 5k dmg, 5k armor:
Before this update - I could literally solo the mobs in new map (with the help of double elixirs ofc to boost my dmg)
After the update - Still, massive dmg to mobs but I couldn't tank long enough for the mobs to die from that dmg, similar amount of dmg was dealt to me if the mobs are not controlled by pet aa or some other control proc. So i die more often, that's when I saw the need for proper warrior.

"More people leaving at the fail of first try" - I don't think sts can do anything about this, 81 map is not gonna be easy as Brackenridge. This is an expansion map not your normal major event like halloween, goblin etc. Prior to this update many people already left the map when they can't figure out how to beat Rahab boss. It's not about the HP regeneration that some bosses have, it is about having no communication among random players to strategically time your skills and ulti to kill the boss/mobs.

"I can only now imagine people will truly discriminate warriors. Not gonna lie, I would prefer rogues in team compared to warriors for these maps."
Rogue will still die because of this update. That's exactly when I see we need a decent war. After the update I truly feel the need for a warrior to tank some damage for the party as our skills have cd that would get us killed in the mean time. So I don't feel you have been relevant to what you said in your comment.

Regardless, they are paving way for 81 gears to come by, so logically 81 map is supposed to be hard without 81 gears, especially arcane gears. If you can run efficiently/fast without 81 gears, then there's no point for expansion, more like a big event instead.
Good argumentative points, no hate taken at all. When I talked about hp regen bosses I was talking about the shark boss, surprisingly people are, or at least in my experience where I ran random, able to do the rahab boss without dying as much as compared to the fin-pool spawning boss.

Although I agree with the need of tank being increased, actual tanks and not just damage dealing warriors post stack meta, I haven't been able to see a warrior tank in my team properly. This could be just a coincidence of not being met with proper warriors while running random.

Speaking of having no communication among random players, I'll be going a little off topic. I'm starting to see the superiority complex of some rogues, again some, not all- you know who you are. In the shark boss (sorry I still don't remember his name at the time of writing this), I've been in random maps and despite people telling them to move towards downward maps when the shark boss throws his fin they completely ignore them and just go rambo mode and die then blame teammates or just leave.

Nonetheless, I do hope like you said they are paving for 81 gears to come by, hopefully sooner than later. I just hope people don't stop playing these maps cause doing those maps when you are under-geared or without a rogue in team is kind of time consuming. I guess, me like many others, got used to the fast pace of the game, cleaning maps faster so it's time efficient and good value of gold earned per minute spent. I do enjoy the new mechanics tho, it is quite interesting and something new. Just dislike how time consuming the map becomes.
