Multiphase aka Affluence
July 03, 2021
Book of Revelations Guild is a Friendly and Active Guild with No Level Requirement and offers friendly environment. We are both PvE and PvP Guild. Whether you're a new or old player, PvE or PvP player, we treat everyone equally, we don't see you any less of a person about who or what you are. We welcome you then and now.
We host interactive Original Guild Events such as Revelations: Mysterious Night, Gladiator (1v1 Be the Last), Fright Night, Wanted: Bounty Hunter and Spotlight (Fashion Event). Experience Reality Competition Shows Adaptation such as Survivor (find the unknown toon) - Immunity Challenge and The Amazing Race (Dark Legends Edition).
Our Discord Server features wide range of information regarding Dark Legends. Custom DARK LEGENDS BOT which has a massive amount of Dark Legends Informations. Furthermore, we are the only guild and server who offers and provides informative contents regarding the game such as Game Coverage, In-Game Guides and Tips, Tutorials and More! We created these guides including Dark Legends Museum to help the community of Dark Legends. Aside from this, we also offer customized Dark Legends emojis and memes.
We are not after for Numbers, that is why Guild Maintenance is being implemented every month or from time to time, with the purpose of removing inactive members. And if you were removed due to inactivity, you may join back again!
In Book Of Revelations, you will experience Fair in Treatment wherein there is No Favoritism. Where our Leaders Do Not Abuse Powers for Personal Gain. Where our Rules Applies not just for the Members but also for Officers and the Master of the Guild itself. We Uphold the Truth to promote Order, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Morality, and Equality.
We would like to give everyone the Best Gaming Experience by Establishing and Maintaining Peace and Order, Guiding and Supporting each other. We value and respect other people's opinions and differences including your rights, however this shouldn't be abused and not to be used in mistreating anyone. Because above all, We aim to maintain FAIRNESS and EQUALITY!!
Phoenix - Resurrection and Immortality (Rebirth and Growth)
"From the Ashes we will Rise!"
✧ To WELCOME EVERYONE regardless of who and what they are or which guild they previously into. Old or new player, they are very welcome here.
✧ To VALUE AND RESPECT each and everyone. Treat others the way we want to be treated.
✧ To REMAIN UNBIASED by being fair to everyone. No favoritism and opinions shall not cloud our judgement.
✧ To PROMOTE EQUALITY all throughout the process by being equally fair to everyone.
✧ To GUIDE everyone by providing and offering them Wide Range of Information about Dark Legends In-Game Guide, Tips and Tutorials.
✧ To TRAIN everyone to become the best version of themselves.
✧ To HELP everyone without expecting or asking anything in return.
✧ To ENCOURAGE everyone to participate in our Guild Events including Live Events of the game and to work hard to get what they want.
✧ To MOTIVATE everyone along the way and allowing them to grow each day.
✧ To UPHOLD THE TRUTH to promote Order, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Morality, and Equality.
1) Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be nice and friendly as you welcome others, be helpful as possible.
2) Be Kind and Respectful. Please respect other people's point of view, experiences, differences, and opinions. Debates are natural but remain kind to keep it healthy.
3) We promote Equality by encouraging and allowing everyone to fully express themselves, although do not use such freedom to disrespect fellow members, other guild or anyone for that matter.
4) No Excessive Spamming or Trolling. Let's maintain the convo friendly and non-toxic. Excessive spamming or trolling disrupts this harmony.
5) We maintain Fairness and Equality. No special treatment. No special requests.
6) Racism, Bullying, Homophobia or any other form of Harassment, Defamation, and Discrimination are strictly prohibited.
7) No Hate Speech or Name Calling. Name calling and degrading comments related to race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
8) Do not make False Statements about the guild or anyone in the guild as this is counted as defamation and we will not tolerate this.
9) We do not allow and tolerate our own members in destroying other Guild's reputation. Do not start conflict or drama with other guilds.
10) We do not promote nor support constant and abusive begging. We encourage everyone to work hard to achieve their goals.
11) Bribery is not allowed. We do not allow bribing other players to join our guild, bribing the Officers or the Guild Master for promotion, or bribing anyone with anything.
12) We do not tolerate scammers. If and when you are proven associated with these kinds of actions, provided with evidences you shall be dismissed.
13) Be Transparent and be Honest with your statements when it comes in reporting fellow member's. Do not fabricate stories. Violating any of our rules will be handle accordingly including dishonesty.
Note: For those who will VIOLATE these rules, will be given 2 warnings. For those who got kicked, they will be given a chance to come back depending on the situation. Please join our Book of Revelations Ban/Kick Appeal Server posted below on how to or to appeal for Kicked or Ban Case.
All cases are published and posted publicly in Guild Cases Channel from our Discord Server.
Use common sense
• Do not try to find any loopholes. Not reading/knowing the rules isn't an excuse to break them. Don't expect to get away with anything just because it's not mentioned in the rules.
Respect their decisions
• Don't argue with the guild master or officers after receiving a warning or taking actions. They will stand behind their judgements.
Zero toxicity tolerance
• Continuously slandering, defaming, or hate talking about the guild master or officers could result in a ban.
If you are facing any problem with a Guild Officer, contact the Guild Master. We may work on the issue you are facing with a certain guild officer if and when your reason is valid.
If you think you have been treated unfairly, join Book of Revelations Ban/Kick Appeal Server posted below and appeal your case. Unbans will be handled in this server where the Guild Master and all Guild Officers have access to.
We'll be doing Guild Maintenance from time to time. (starting on August 15, 2021). We don't want our Guild to be filled up ALTS. We are not after for Numbers.
For those players who have been inactive for 70 or more than 70 days will be automatically removed. The purpose of our Monthly Maintenance is mainly removing alternative accounts and sparing those who really are playing.
NOTE: Please Contact/Inform the Guild Master or Officers if you're going to be inactive in game for more than 70 days so we'll be aware and we'll make adjustments.
WARNING: Only the Guild Master is assigned to do the removal of inactive members. Guild Officer can also remove inactive members with the supervision of the Guild Master. If/when you see a Guild Officer removing members while the Guild Master is not around (offline), please contact the Guild Master immediately as this is not counted as maintenance anymore but it is rather destroying the guild by removing members on purpose due to personal grudges, etc.
If you were removed due to being inactive, you are always welcome to come back, so feel free to join back anytime!
For those who seek a place like this...a refuge, our door is always open!
Book of Revelations Server is a Gaming Community server originated from Dark Legends, providing and offering informative contents regarding Dark Legends. We are the only guild/server that FEATURES wide range of information about Dark Legends in-game GUIDE, TIPS, TUTORIALS and more. Aside from these, we are the only server that features custom Dark Legends emojis, emotes, and memes.
Hosting Regular Guild and Community Server Events in pursuit of bringing everyone together and to work together and to encourage everyone to participate actively on our Events including Dark Legends Live Events. Join and win prizes as you experience different types of events.
Meet and Connect with players from around the world with over 400+ members to talk, to voice chat or to chill with. Our PARTNERSHIP with other guild or servers allows you to Discover and Explore other types of Community out there! Our Server is OPEN to all Dark Legends Players, with or without being part of our guild!
• Dark Legends Informations
• Dark Legends In-Game Guides and Tips
• Dark Legends Emojis and Memes (customized)
• Dark Legends Announcements Feed (always updated)
• Dark Legends Game Coverage (News, Events, Daily Deal, Plat Sale)
• Dark Legends Events Countdown (viewing of exact time)
• Dark Legends Events Archives and Timeline
• Dark Legends related Poll
• Book of Revelations Guild Thread Feed and Suggestions Feed
• Dark Legends Tutorials
• Dark Legends Player's Reviews
• Leaderboard Rewards (in-game based)
• In-Game Price Check System
• Trade Support System (buying and selling)
• Free Advertisements of your Guild or Server
• Partnerships with other Guild or Server
• Collaborative Events with other Guild
• Verification System (in-game and server based)
• A fast growing Vampire Gaming Community and Friendly Environment
• Custom Bots (Aurora, Aurora PC - Price Check Bot, Dark Legends Bot, Revelations)
• Interactive Community channels
• Dark Legends related discussions about PvE and PvP
• Community Awareness (in-game awareness)
• Regular Guild Events and Giveaawys
• Regular Community Server Events and Giveaways
• Custom roles (self roles and color roles including in-game roles)
• Leveling system that unlocks Vampiric roles and vibrant colors
• Leaderboard system
• Rewards System (Membership Achievements and progress in-game such as obtaining top Leaderboard spots)
• Guild and Community Server Events roles
• Supportive channels dedicated for LGBTQ and Mental Health Awareness
• Direct Invite Links to Dark Legends Museum Servers (Equipments and Vanities)
• Learn more about Dark Legends Museum Servers posted below
We are open for Partnership with other Dark Legends related Servers, including other Spacetime Studios games related Discord servers and at the same time we are open in Collaboration with other Dark Legends guilds. You may apply or ask regarding our partnership and collaboration requirements on our server. Please do read the requirements and perks posted in those channels and feel free to contact us anytime. Let's work together in contributing to the growth of Dark Legends!
As a guild who offers everyone informational contents about Dark Legends, we are inviting you to Dark Legends Museum!!
Dark Legends Museums Discord Servers FEATURES viewing of all Dark Legends items with Buff Info, Pictures and more! This were created through Teamwork and Cooperation with the goal of helping out the whole Dark Legends Community, brought to you by Book of Revelations Guild with the Support of fellow players.
We offer you these guides for free with or without being part of our guild! Join below to access these servers!
Click the Link Below to Join us!
NOTE: Book of Revelations Servers is open to EVERYONE, with or without being part of our Guild!
Book of Revelations Official Server
Book of Revelations Kick/Ban Appeal Server
Dark Legends Equipments Museum Server
Dark Legends Vanities Museum Server
For questions or any concerns, my DM is always open. Contact me ---> Ahebor#6853
May We Grow Together As A Family And As A Community!
Date of creation: Book of Revelations Guild and Server created on July 2021.