Quote Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
Whatever choice you choose, people will be upset.

I think it should create an entire new set. Here's why: This would appease the full set owners who say their CoP would be useless. It wouldn't, they could choose between sets, New Elite Set vs. Old Elite Set.

The L66 armor is pretty eye appealing too, so those who grinded could use it to boast, "Hey, I made it to at least one of the old elite caps!".

Also, remember, the original CoP gave no bonus. People grinded because they felt like it and wanted the items for its looks.

Going to try to keep it a friendly debate, haha.
Haha, true that people will be upset no matter what and I also agree that this is a sensitive topic to discuss

Lots of comments have been posted on the thread Sam made, with IMO valid arguments that newer players should get a chance to earn their own persistence set. So, I'm all for that. But reading the forums for the past 6 months, I've seen many people ask if they should do the grind to 66 in order to get fang armor. More often than not, the reply they got from forum members new and old, was that they should go for it because almost everyone assumed that it would make a 'set' with the next (71) vanity item. And although no dev has officially confirmed that and it's never good to assume things, I'm positive that many people spent plat and grinded their way to 66, so they also would have a vanity set bonus for the next (71) cap. Letting them wait until lv76 cap (another 6 months with AL coming out?), until they can finally enjoy a set bonus, IMO just doesn't sound right.

About the 'old' vanity set owners, it would IMO even be more appealing for them if they could combine their old items with the new items, and still sport a set bonus. Maybe a different bonus than with the 'all-new' future vanity set? Although I can imagine that could become complicated. But that would allow older players for even more variety in looks, while still keeping their set bonus. And, who knows, maybe the stats on the 71,76,81 vanity set blows the old one out of the water, leaving nothing but looks.

With all that being said, it would be kind of 'weird' to get a bonus when STS is clearly 'rebooting' the vanity set cycle.

Ow well, I guess the only thing we can do, is wait and see. Personally, I'm fine with whatever STS decides to implement, I'll be grinding for that 71 cap anyway