So I have been trying to get Patient Zero to pop up for a long time. I have continuously (past few months) kept going to Old Town Hospital here and there doing runs for an hour or more trying to get him to spawn and he Never does.
I have seen an old post saying after an hour of defeating the mini bosses in the center of the 3 rooms he will appear randomly walking around slowly in the hospital somewhere. I have done countless runs and strats and he never spawns!

Even after close to 3 hours farming straight still nothing. No matter how many zombies I kill or where I run around the hospital Nothing happens. I am currently obsessed with collecting titles and really want to unlock and collect the title "Doctor Death."

Is there some sort of strategy that the other poster forgot to mention? Someone who has played for many years told me the only way to get him to spawn is to wait for a specific event having to do with Old Town Hospital. Or could it be that the achievement is locked?

I know there are others that know more about this so help us all out here. Thanks in advance.