Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
Wouldn't go down the rabbit hole to argue who is right or wrong here.

But perhaps, I could offer a perspective (that I commended in another thread)

Just to name a few:
  • The vardan valley expansion,

  • Increased gold cap & most importantly,

  • The very introduction of gold loot

is to primarily stimulate a healthy inflation (at least in principle) to drive the economy for people to spend more.

The good thing about inflation, especially from the developer's perspective, is that when things get expensive, you need to play the game N x more (depending on how much times the inflation multiplier is) to buy the same thing. I would keep this short. For example bullion used to be 30m, now you gotta farm gold approximately 2 x more to get it. (ofc excluding the possibility that bullion prices may have been manipulated, I'm using this as a simple example to illustrate my point) This means more time spent playing the game or chances of you sticking to the game longer is consequently higher.

In fact, you can already see more people spent hours & hours in this game just to farm enough gold to buy what they want.

Back in the days when gold loot isn't available, relatively speaking, less hours were spent farming locks or loot because we were never guaranteed a loot per say. Now with gold loot, people can estimate how much they are earning and therefore willing to put in 5-10+ hours just to make 4-5m or, for the wealthier players, up to 10-15m per evg opens. OR, better still look at the current windmore event that drops piles and piles of gold and people farming non-stop for it.
In fact, I think that sts has a good system regulating the inflation of gold, and every so often they launch events like awaken that absorbs all that surplus gold, in addition to the gold that eliminates auction .. etc. Besides that, more gold, boosts the economy, it is fun to see how prices go down or rise as a result of this, and see how to get the best out of it.