I had planned to make a video on this matter but I’m actually just to lazy to edit so I’ll just put it here I have been using both since drop and a can say they both have a purpose but they are just not good enough to compete even if mythic

Mythic Bow:

Has really nice damage when debuffing in pvp

Does not proc on boss or mini bosses
Has very long proc chance (like to long)


Most people will call trash but I love the use of armor debuff with an hp/armor buff to yourself

I feel like the armor debuff isn’t good enough in pve compared to having dugg yes I know dugg is arcane but barely any damage is done when you proc compared to mage guns damage

Could proc a little faster but not to much

Does not proc on all bosses or mini bosses
( when testing this it was so weird it would work on sunken boss but no other mini bosses would also only work on one boss in deep marsh )

All in all weapons have great concept just need fixing please sts take a look

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