Quote Originally Posted by Lady_Pebbles View Post

So in a sense, farming will be done in a different way until we get the other drops for the maps we already run in to get pinks? Just trying to clear that up. >__<

Also, will we ever be able to stash our plat items (including plat vanities)? This would be a huge help for our alts under the same accounts! I'd pay 50 plat for an alt just so I can reuse my plat gear...

Unless yall finally allow us to upgrade the plat weapons and gems we already have! Then I'd be all over that like water on rice!

Screw it give us both. XD

Basically there will be two ways to farm for different things. 3D missions for pinks, and Ally jobs for pinks and Vanities. Once we introduce vanity drops to the world you can farm for unique vanities in the world as well!

Stashing of Plat purchased items is not something we're currently looking into, and that's due to the achievements associated with these achievements. That's not to say it will NEVER happen, it's just not something we're actively looking into right now. The upgrading idea is a good one! Noted.