Thanks for the event cinco, thoroughly enjoyed farming it and getting some drops in but I've a few complaints and suggestions that I'd like to make respectfully .. First and foremost Myself and other players who made up the remaining part of the top 25 aren't too impressed with that space marine title cause come on , we had to grind for 2 grueling weeks to stay in lb just to get what? A bland looking title along with a choice of one bound item which isn't bad but at least make the title worth it sir because all new events now grant specially colored titles , heck even the fel taras saga gave people a specially colored title just for making gold tier and then we play for 2 weeks and those of us who couldn't make top 10 because we didn't have as much time as the others did can't at least get a title worth wearing ? it's not fair in any way to all those who put in the work to get there so I implore you to at least give it the gold color so we stand out when using it cause we worked hard to earn it .
Moving on to my second point , the vendor was anything but impressive and I'd suggest that you listen to players more especially when it comes to bringing certain items back because iron hand sets and inferno aside , we could easily do without all the other items that were brought back and it didn't even make sense as to why you'd bring them back because most of those items are available in auction all the time for a nominal fee like hieloxa, the storm weapons and nun set . That said we're looking forward to you implementing the few changes to the stuff that I brought to your notice sir and thank you for the work you do