Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
I personally main the sword and have barely used the aegis but based on what people have said "Aegis keeps missing during proc" I suggest pve wise make charged attacks with the aegis have a 100% chance to hit the mobs and kill atleast 3-5 at a time per charge. No misses with it, since it is a charged attack only 2 attacks can be made with the aegis. The other weapons, they proc with normal attacks and are able to attack way more than 2x before the proc wears off so it doesn't matter if they miss. Do not make the aegis proc with normal attacks or that will ruin the sword completely, just make charged attacks with the aegis during proc phase have a 100% hit chance, no misses.
I agree that charged attacks should be 100% hit chance, it alrdy takes time for we charge and when we finally charge it *boom* get dodged or miss attack 🥲, it also would be a good decision for rogues bow's.