How about creating arcane weapons that are “normal” and can be obtained from locked chests with plats and “elite” that only can be obtained by looting in maps and are non-tradable and non-stashable?
Make “elite” gear significantly stronger but harder to loot. That way those who want to feel like it’s worth it to run maps can spend days trying to loot it. Plat players can just buy the “normal” version and sell it to gold loot players. The ones using “normal” gears should get a higher chance in looting the “elite” version. So that it’s still worth it to buy plats. Maybe even make “elite” gears non awakeable but come with different locked awakes? At least 8% dex, int, OR str. So it’s worth it to farm for those but also still worth it to get “normal” gears because there’s a chance of getting higher %