+ 1 for this idea, I really like bringing back the old farming style concept on this one. Though the main question still remains, what's the point of farming these if they're useless or irrelevant?

Somehow those people who answered these questions didn't make anysense I would also like a proper answer on why adding this is somehow good or somewhat not.

So, what am thinking is, if the chance of looting those arcane weapons is as low as Kershal, BB hooks, & Maul why would the price of it will crash down? Well, some said farming for the chests that contains those Arcane Weapons mentioned above is rather waste of time, useless, or irrelevant, so how is the rarity of those items going to affect their respective prices if their rarity is as close as those big 3. And also the lack of people grinding for those particular chests as its "waste of time" and takes a lot more time to farm them and to loot them by chance is a lot tougher rather than farming Elite Gold Chests of the big 3, which.. makes it a lot harder for people to grind those. which means it may affect the price, just maybe? I don't know the exact quantity of Immo Vanities or weapon version of them. Maybe, just maybe the price will stay the same. or will go even higher due to demand knowing that we have a way to loot those Weapons again. people would want to get their hands on Immo Vanities.