Quote Originally Posted by Aayushh007 View Post
Arcane legende Before Honor PvP came
- Players used to grind event/gold make gold buy themself gears, step by step buying stuff they need, gear up nd play pvp spend on gears. Hence players used to actively grind pve nd play pvp in free time.
Arcane legends after Honor PvP
- sells out all gears, buys expensive vanities, and play honor xD
Tho it's completely there choice how they like a play a game.
But since honor came, for most ppl it's like who needs gears or grind pve to make gold or merch just make 50k lvl up nd buh honor set nd play xD
Hopefully Devs makes something different for players who wants Regular pvp, not just honor
And so ppl get choice weather theh want to play honor or regular pvp. Peace ^-^

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Exactly why can’t we just have both peace man and two lbs to go for in there own maybe if honor was balanced it could have its own possible kd system along with lb

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