View Poll Results: Leveling-up a new character in Arcane Legends today is...

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  • TOO HARD! The effort is too much. It takes too long. Grinding is fine and all but.. come on!

    25 45.45%
  • JUST FINE! It's supposed to take time and effort otherwise it's meaningless. Leave it alone!

    24 43.64%
  • TOO EASY! If you know what you're doing it's like you can max your toon by mistake in under an hour. Bring back meaningful grind!

    6 10.91%
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  1.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #1
    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Default Poll - Forum-Think: It's TOO EASY to level-up? Or is it TOO HARD??!

    Going through feedback on the topic of advancement (specifically to address concrete and well-spoken concerns about the new player experience in Arcane Legends), I find some significant disagreement among the forums mindshare. So, a little poll seems in order to sort out what we here on the Spacetime AL general discussion forums think about advancement to endgame.

    Feel free to comment on things related to advancement.

    It's appreciated :-)

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    I mean, If you know how to use both of the elixirs, it would be easy but if you're a new player it will be kinda rough especially if you dont have an active guild to help you with your dailies.

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    If you know what you are doing leveling a toon to 81 can take just a few hours that is ofc if you do it on double xp day. But regardless of that like many have stated before when you are a new player and fly through levels you seem to miss a lot of the important history and elements of the game. I would enjoy making a new character and having to grind to cap similar to the pre 41 cap.
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    Increase the maximum level differences of the players we can join. Increasing to at least 10 levels( Make it have a toggle so we can turn off and on) would be cool. Its nice to run into players that are actually grinding and want to advance.

    When you made the changes to quest exp and map difficulty i think it was just a bit too much of a change to quest exp. I would do what you did before, but scale it back 25-50% on quest exp reduction.

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    I'm fine with leveling rogue and mage, but warrior below 67 lvl is too slow if trying solo. As I have told many times, warrior need increase damage from skills in pve, not only by broken procs and op ultimate (example - daily in festerfang, its too slow for warrior with legendary gears, but rogue/mage doing it easily in same legendary gears)

    And in general, its not about easy/hard, its just too boring if you skipped day of x2 XP and doing same dailies every day without getting anything else

  7.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #6
    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    To me, 'boring' could qualify as either "too hard" or "too easy" depending on your expectations.
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    Game lvl is depending on a player experience nd how long been fhey playing, for old players who been playing game they know how to lvl up nd best ways to lvl up because they have all resources they need to lvl up fast For (500plat direct lvl to 70) other then that
    Using Xp gear sets, elixrs, pet right timings to lvl up if double xp is near.
    For a new player they seem have a little bit longer time to lvl up. Since they don't have much resources nd still learning about game, it would be much better if new players are being provided with xp boost like they're given (a luck loot) in starting.
    Players lvling up slow makes them loose interest in game , it's natural with all players who ever plays a new game they like to lvl up and get in with the flow with other players who already high levels, also would give them opportunity to run with randoms so they can grind nd explore the game
    However lvling up is decent u can lvl up fast using different resources nd waiting for right time to lvl up t during doube xp event
    Last edited by Aayushh007; 12-08-2021 at 01:46 PM.

  9. #8
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    Like many says, when u know what you are doing it is possible to level up very fast (a new toon or just reach level cap when expansion come) but when you are a new player i guess it can take lot more time if you don't know about stacking lix,
    x2 xp day, xp awake etc (but when genuinely a new player it is probably less boring cuz all the game feel new)

    and about what is boring, the perfect example is to level up a hardcore toon!!! i really wish there is no more aps with those!!!!!

    Honestly, for me, leveling up hardcore toon is really killing me and my will to play... please no more!!!

    ps: So because of that and because idk if there will be more Hardcore aps i can't vote, all the answer can be good depending of POV
    Last edited by PatD; 12-08-2021 at 01:48 PM.

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    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    I'm going to make decisions based on the votes I get on this.

    Just sayin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatD View Post
    Like many says, when u know what you are doing it is possible to level up very fast (a new toon or just reach level cap when expansion come) but when you are a new player i guess it can take lot more time if you don't know about stacking lix,
    x2 xp day, xp awake etc (but when genuinely a new player it is probably less boring cuz all the game feel new)

    and about what is boring, the perfect example is to level up a hardcore toon!!! i really wish there is no more aps with those!!!!!

    Honestly, for me, leveling up hardcore toon is really killing me and my will to play... please no more!!!

    ps: So because of that and because idk if there will be more Hardcore aps i can't vote, all the answer can be good depending of POV
    Ig that's why it's called *Hardcore*
    Hc is always difficult to play unless u wanna spend plats on it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    To me, 'boring' could qualify as either "too hard" or "too easy" depending on your expectations.
    Thats why I said 'its not about easy or hard' and explained... My expectations are to get some gold while I try lvling new char, for example: It was fun almost for everyone to lvl from 41-46 just running km3/kt4 and getting xp+gold at same time and wasn't matter how long time it will take you to get max lvl. Now lvling gives only xp and nothing else. If there no any good loot in old maps, I'd prefer to make lvling easier.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aayushh007 View Post
    Ig that's why it's called *Hardcore*
    Hc is always difficult to play unless u wanna spend plats on it
    not difficult but boring and meaningless for those who only level them up for aps, i highly prefer doing aps with my main toon

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    Created acc less than 48h ago. I'm lv 62 but I'm old player and I know how to to play. I still didn't used any elixirs or anything.
    Now it seems a bit hard to lv up. I'm stuck in Graveyard/fester maps. Without new quests.

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    Quote Originally Posted by easynafta View Post
    Created acc less than 48h ago. I'm lv 62 but I'm old player and I know how to to play. I still didn't used any elixirs or anything.
    Now it seems a bit hard to lv up. I'm stuck in Graveyard/fester maps. Without new quests.
    Delete it and go with elixirs while xp is ok per story/side quests

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    I think a change in hardcore leveling would be good. Now it needs 1h for lvl 71 which is a bit too fast in my eyes.

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    It isn't to easy for new players. They still need to put time in to level and get gold. I still haven't leveled my alts because I don't want to put the time in and for alts it is considerably easier. People that say it's to easy are all leveling alts not coming into the game new.

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    Probably the reason why it is such a controversial topic is:
    1-If you are new, you lack items, guide, help, etc, some even friends, to know what you should do, with which it is extremely difficult to do everything.
    2-If you are relatively old, you know all the tricks or glitch to level in a day at maximum level.

    The new ones find it difficult to get items, gold etc, and although they open lockeds, they do not get really good items of the same level (the legendary ones are usually garbage, they do not help them at all to kill mobs or bosses).
    Old players finish an expansion in one day, with xp multipliers, and quest. With which everything ends up being easy.
    In my opinion everything is backwards.
    Progress through the maps for the new ones should be relatively easy. And as you get to the last maps it must be difficult to level and the rest.
    The problem, to begin with, are the xp multipliers that work in quests. This should be removed to work only with mobs.
    The xp of the quests should perhaps be increased a bit to compensate and that the quests are not useless.
    And then make the maps a little easier so someone with a legendary set can get through them with reasonable difficulty.
    Or offer perhaps bound equipment, which really helps to pass maps.
    In short, it should be easier for those new to lower maps, as they generally have to do it alone and without gear.
    I don't feel like any of the survey options pigeonhole what I'm trying to say, and I feel like you'll still get a fuzzy and wrong answer.
    Besides that generally new or casual players, they do not usually have accounts in forums.
    You will get responses from older players who level up 1 char in 1 day to max level, like me.
    I hope you understand what I am trying to say without generating more controversy

    PS: I love that Christmas outfit you're wearing.
    Last edited by Nocturnus; 12-08-2021 at 02:47 PM.

  22. #18
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    I like that vanity jumper, not sure about the tights xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I'm going to make decisions based on the votes I get on this.

    Just sayin'
    From the point of view of a completely new player who has no access to trading permit or ads lixs, has no idea what elixers to use to speed up the leveling and frequently drifts from the main storyline making them face content too easy (which makes players don't get xp from mobs or get very little amounts of xp from quests) or too hard (which can be frustrating since they don't have a way to improve their gear to beat content besides opening locks) for their current lvl.

    I would add some kind of guide about leveling to the tutorial that points out what can speed the leveling process such as xp lixs, pets, gear or awakes. Locking certain content with lvl requirements is good but I would add a requirement for story quests to be cleared as well in order to unlock the next zone (town). And advertise whenever a player tries to go to "x" locked place that s/he must complete "y" story questline as well as being a minimum lvl.

    Now for a player that knows what to do, s/he can get to lvl 70+ in matter of hours (of course this player would have access to more resources that are pretty much impossible to get for new players).

    So since it only says new character I'll vote too easy, tho I hope you guys take into consideration this imput, thx for the poll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I'm going to make decisions based on the votes I get on this.

    Just sayin'
    I voted Fine as Is, but that isn’t quite accurate. The journey needs more interest.(perhaps more quests per map or items). Previously mentioned, allow a broader range of levels to play together. Events aimed at lower maps. Stop scaling event bosses to endgame. Oh, and stop the “fast cap” mentality. The expansion might have kept interest/lasted longer than 5 days.

    P.S. That fuzzy warm outfit better be available for me! (Not LB item) or rilly might jaunt over to Tejas n ruff u up!
    Last edited by Oakmaiden; 12-08-2021 at 06:16 PM.
    I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
    Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.

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