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    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    Default Aura visuals

    Just letting you know we hear your complaints about rendering aura visuals and we have a solution that we're working on.

    We do realize auras have been getting larger and more opaque and that just leads to issues with being able to see what's going on in the game.

    I know people want to turn them off for either being too obstructive, causing performance issues, or just not liking them. Without getting to the why or perceived inconsistencies, we will not be turning them off, but we will be changing how they are displayed.

    We have to touch every player aura, pet auea, proc effect, set effect and just about anything else that renders on the ground, so this may take some time to get through everything.

    I'm open to any constructive feedback.


    PS. If you want to know the details, we're going to be adding additional render layers for when to draw portions of effects. We will be rendering anything opaque first, then shadows, then ground portions of the auras that do not impact gameplay, then monster tell visuals, then procs, and then anything else that has transparency. After this change, all procs will render on top of tells and all tells will render on top of auras.

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    Last edited by asommers; 12-24-2021 at 01:13 PM.

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    Forum Adept Stormydragon's Avatar
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    +1 Sounds good. Can we get an option to turn our equipment/set aura effects (like speed set, love sets...) on ourselves on and off? This would lead to better controlling of what you want to show. Someone who's best equip is endless love set for example, is forced to wear it wether he likes or hates the effect...

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    Luminary Poster Encryptions's Avatar
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    The dark red zone in which the brood dragon has is good imo, its super dark so everyone can see it easily. I am talking about the attacks he does that causes him to be unable to fly until the attack animations are over.

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    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormydragon View Post
    +1 Sounds good. Can we get an option to turn our equipment/set aura effects (like speed set, love sets...) on ourselves on and off? This would lead to better controlling of what you want to show. Someone who's best equip is endless love set for example, is forced to wear it wether he likes or hates the effect...

    Gesendet von meinem SM-A705FN mit Tapatalk
    Yes, I can add options to turn off your effects on other clients.

    Last edited by asommers; 12-24-2021 at 01:13 PM.

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    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
    The dark red zone in which the brood dragon has is good imo, its super dark so everyone can see it easily. I am talking about the attacks he does that causes him to be unable to fly until the attack animations are over.
    The red tell zone for Drauger is something I've recently added and this style of rendering tells will eventually replace all monster tells in the game.


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    Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
    Yes, I can add options to turn off your effects on other clients.

    Nice thanks! By the way i love the design of Drauger and his Tail Attack, feels more like fighting a dragon!

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    Ty for doing something but wanted to mention that the objection isn’t only that auras cover up game play, it’s that the game is visually obnoxious to the point I want to play less

    I mentioned that auras cover game play, & your answer was to make red zones even more garish adding to clutter

    Each second in game is like looking at the jackpot effect of bad casino games

    What is the difference between being able to turn off badges, titles, & names, & giving us the option to turn off auras?

    If you think ppl will buy less then all you have to do is look at how ppl have always ran for badges
    What is the logic?
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    Hi, can you look into new mythic bow proc also please? (2nd part of proc, "sea blast") It feels like there are 9999 effects in one, that proc causing lags

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    nice… opaque would be nice to lessen eye sore from auras

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    Senior Member Megatr0n's Avatar
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    add para to inspect page plz

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    Ty for the update, it’s refreshing to know what is being worked on. I will work on my patience..
    I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
    Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephencobear View Post
    Ty for doing something but wanted to mention that the objection isn’t only that auras cover up game play, it’s that the game is visually obnoxious to the point I want to play less

    I mentioned that auras cover game play, & your answer was to make red zones even more garish adding to clutter

    Each second in game is like looking at the jackpot effect of bad casino games

    What is the difference between being able to turn off badges, titles, & names, & giving us the option to turn off auras?

    If you think ppl will buy less then all you have to do is look at how ppl have always ran for badges
    What is the logic?
    -1 why would you wear or buy new cosmetic items when no one sees what you wear anyways...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormydragon View Post
    -1 why would you wear or buy new cosmetic items when no one sees what you wear anyways...

    Gesendet von meinem SM-A705FN mit Tapatalk
    People grind different lb, in vast majority of cases investing money, just to show off badges, titles, and even pvp rank (pvp rank only shows inspecting toon, but still) . We already have the option to hide these "rewards", so what is the problem with auras? In my case, i find most of auras pretty bad for gameplay, since they hide certain enemy attacks, warnings, etc that i like to see. Not even talking about how it causes lag, which is also important.

    Maybe the main problem is how people care about what others think of them. Before social media era, it was about smiles and social approval in close is all about "likes", "friend requests" or anything like that. It has always been like this, only lately becomes even more dominant because our number of daily decissions has skyrocketed due to immediate of internet. According to several studies, we do around 35k decissions everyday in internet era, much more than before.

    Keeping in mind that humans are social beings through thousands of years of evolution patterns (with all the social considerations that this implies), it might be time to educate people on how to grow up not focusing on other's opinions.

    Back on topic, there is no justification to keep auras as a "must see" while similar stuff have option to Name:  Screenshot_20211229_185531_d0d539839888d57b166709f18b56ddd4~2.jpg
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    Last edited by Bluehazee; 12-29-2021 at 02:21 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluehazee View Post
    People grind different lb, in vast majority of cases investing money, just to show off badges, titles, and even pvp rank (pvp rank only shows inspecting toon, but still) . We already have the option to hide these "rewards", so what is the problem with auras? In my case, i find most of auras pretty bad for gameplay, since they hide certain enemy attacks, warnings, etc that i like to see. Not even talking about how it causes lag, which is also important.

    Maybe the main problem is how people care about what others think of them. Before social media era, it was about smiles and social approval in close is all about "likes", "friend requests" or anything like that. It has always been like this, only lately becomes even more dominant because our number of daily decissions has skyrocketed due to immediate of internet. According to several studies, we do around 35k decissions everyday in internet era, much more than before.

    Keeping in mind that humans are social beings due to thousands of years of evolution patterns (with all the social considerations that this implies), it might be time to educate people on how to grow up not focusing on other's opinions.

    Back on topic, there is no justification to keep auras as a "must see" while similar stuff have option to Name:  Screenshot_20211229_185531_d0d539839888d57b166709f18b56ddd4~2.jpg
Views: 592
Size:  169.8 KBbe hidden
    Following this logic I would add to suggest the option to disable display for vanity, gears, basically everything we see in game must have the option to be disabled for whatever reasons (the said items are impeding gameplay, or hating a specific outfit worn by others, or just want to be left alone, or hate seeing op people with op stats or expensive vanities, or simply wanna experience AL in a different light etc etc)

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    i love all visuals , have an option to disable auras during entering a dungeon . dont disable in towne . if you are a LB runner i can see how the extra bit of lag could affect times in your runs . but if you aint a LB runner , then you are just complaining because you have nothing better to do with yourself

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    Quote Originally Posted by Analytical View Post
    Following this logic I would add to suggest the option to disable display for vanity, gears, basically everything we see in game must have the option to be disabled for whatever reasons (the said items are impeding gameplay, or hating a specific outfit worn by others, or just want to be left alone, or hate seeing op people with op stats or expensive vanities, or simply wanna experience AL in a different light etc etc)
    Yes, but the difference is that normal vanities, gears, pets, stats, etc don't affect my gameplay. I don't care about the gold you (or others) spent on game. Its pixels gold...

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    For those who want to hide aura, i think you should see it the same as IRL;

    When a colleague, a neighbor, a brother-in-law etc buy a Ferrari or a Rolex it is because they want everyone to see it, you don't have any option to hide it, people have done this since ages, it is simply part of social standing.

    As for the ability to hide badge etc, i think it is only to facilitate group screenshot etc

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    Default Aura visuals

    Quote Originally Posted by PatD View Post
    For those who want to hide aura, i think you should see it the same as IRL;

    When a colleague, a neighbor, a brother-in-law etc buy a Ferrari or a Rolex it is because they want everyone to see it, you don't have any option to hide it, people have done this since ages, it is simply part of social standing.

    As for the ability to hide badge etc, i think it is only to facilitate group screenshot etc
    amen , if you wanna just look like a towne of naked morons go to a nude beach XD

    oh nuu then they will start to complain about the scenery and sand on the beach in paradise is too visually lagging there slow internet

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    Last edited by Megatr0n; 12-29-2021 at 02:15 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PatD View Post
    For those who want to hide aura, i think you should see it the same as IRL;

    When a colleague, a neighbor, a brother-in-law etc buy a Ferrari or a Rolex it is because they want everyone to see it, you don't have any option to hide it, people have done this since ages, it is simply part of social standing.

    As for the ability to hide badge etc, i think it is only to facilitate group screenshot etc
    Your Rolex or your Ferrari doesn't affect me. Its not a valid comparison. To make it valid, lets say you drive your Ferrari with high beams on....then we can talk

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    Senior Member Stephencobear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatD View Post
    For those who want to hide aura, i think you should see it the same as IRL;

    When a colleague, a neighbor, a brother-in-law etc buy a Ferrari or a Rolex it is because they want everyone to see it, you don't have any option to hide it, people have done this since ages, it is simply part of social standing.

    As for the ability to hide badge etc, i think it is only to facilitate group screenshot etc
    Irl I can hide what I want by not looking at it

    Again -
    What is the difference between allowing us to turn off badges names and titles
    And allowing me to turn off auras on my screen!?!?
    \m/,____( >. < ‘ )________,\m/

    Chivalrous Union

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